Thursday, November 18, 2010
Latest Poll on Obama and Health Care
Fascículo Longitudinal Inferior
Aunque las imáganes de difusión tensora han permitido a la medicina estudiar la anatomía del fascículo longitudinal inferior en forma más completa, la función que éste cumple dentro del cerebro es poco entendible. Hace poco se ha sugerido que el entretejido subcortical que sirve de base a la parte semántica del lenguaje podría estar constituido en parte por fibras del fascículo longitudinal inferior en forma conjunta con las fibras del fascículo arcuato, uniendo la región occipitotemporal con la parte anterior del lóbulo temporal; luego los impulsos nerviosos son reenviados vía del fascículo uncinado hacia la parte inferior del lóbulo temporal.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tronco encefálico
El tronco encefálico está compuesto por sustancia gris y blanca; la sustancia gris forma núcleos dentro de la sustancia blanca, que se pueden subdividir en tres tipos: 1) centros segmentarios que representan el origen real de los nervios craneales; 2) núcleos del tronco cerebral, que incluyen a) relevos de vías sensitivas, b) origen de vías de asociación del tronco cerebral, c) origen de vías motoras involuntarias (vía extrapiramidal); 3) formación o sustancia reticular: conjunto de neuronas que ejerciendo un efecto facilitador o inhibidor interviene en varios procesos como, por ejemplo, el estado de sueño-vigilia.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Núcleos Vestibulares
Los núcleos vestibulares reciben señales de la porción vestibular del VIII nervio craneal. Los axones en el nervio vestibular son prolongaciones de neuronas situadas en el ganglio vestibular de Scarpa, el cual yace en el meato auditorio interno. Estos axónes centrales terminan en los núcleos vestibulares y el cerebelo. Los axones periférico de estas células nerviosas reciben señales de los receptores del laberinto vestibular (células filiformes).
Monday, November 15, 2010
Fascículo Longitudinal Medio
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Formación reticular
Los núcleos grisis que componen la formación reticular están compuestos por neuronas de diferentes tamaños y formas y se hayan esparcidos en la sustancia blanca. Forman un complejo sistema que parece intervenir en el estado de consciencia pues cuando se lesiona se produce un estado de coma. La formación reticular consiste en más de 100 núcleos neuronales cada uno con sus funciones, incluyendo las siguientes: control motor somático, control cardiovascular, modulación del dolor, sueño y vigilia, habituación, desencadenamiento del vómito.
La formación reticular posee dos componentes: 1) la formación reticular ascendente, también llamado sistema activador reticular, es responsable de vigilia y sueño, interviniendo en varios niveles de conciencia; sus fibras se proyectan hacia grupo medio del tálamo y desde allí la información viajan hacia la corteza cerebral. 2) la formación reticular descendente, que tiene como función regular el equilibrio y la postura corporal, como así también la actividad del sistema nervioso autónomo.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Fascículo Longitudinal Dorsal
Acai Berry For Better Health
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
Cirugía refractiva ocular
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Glaucoma (pérdida de la visión)
Hay cinco tipos de glaucoma: 1) glaucoma de ángulo abierto, con ángulo iridocorneal normal y evolución lenta sin síntomas aparentes, pero se deteriora progresivamente la visión; 2) glaucoma de ángula cerrado, con una disminución del ángulo iridocorneal, el cual está formado por la raíz del iris y la córnea; 3) glaucoma primario, cuando no existe otra enfermedad que la cause; 4) glaucoma secundario, cuando es provocado por otra enfermedad; 5) glaucoma congénito, que es poco frecuente que afecta al 0.05 % de la población.
Glaucoma (video informativo)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Retinoblastoma (ojo humano)
Si no es tratado a tiempo, el retinoblastoma se extenderá a través del nervio óptico y la coroides, como así también hacia el cerebro y la médula ósea, y más raramente se disemina por los pulmones. La elección de tratamiento que hagan los padres del paciente dependerá de cuánto se extienda el mal dentro del ojo y más allá de éste. Por lo general, el tratamiento de elección es la cirugía, aunque hay otras opciones de tratamiento, como la quimioterapia, termo o crioterapia. En un intento de preservar la visión el ojo menos afectado puede tratarse con radioterapia.
Treatment Process of Alcoholism
Alcohol abuse treatment centers decide their treatment process after analysis of a patients’ case. This treatment process covers not only the coping power of the patient under treatment but his family and friends also by educating them about the social emotional support they should offer the alcoholic or the drug addict to put him/her back on the right track. However, selection of the right alcohol treatment center is one of the most deciding factors of the proposed treatment centers. It is always wise to select a drug treatment center from local area. For example, if the concerned patient is the resident of Florida, he/she should go for a Drug Treatment Centers In Florida etc.
The first step toward alcohol and drug rehabilitation program is determination of the requirement of treatment level for the concerned patient. This issue can be detected by measuring the addiction level of the patient. For example, if the alcoholic or a drug addict has lost complete control on his/her ability to restrain the intake, the intensity of treatment might be intense. However, the level of treatment is always decided by the Alcoholism Treatment Centers authority. However, if the dependence is detected optimum, abstinence is imposed instead of only instruction of reducing the intake.
Providing mental support for the alcoholics or drug addicts is a form of drug rehabilitation process. The interventions may include implementation of behaviors, group counseling, setting realistic goal for withdrawal of stimulator etc. All these treatment processes help to cope with the stress and emotional crisis of the patient as well as it provides great help in regaining own confidence and assertiveness toward family and commitment. The entire implementation of treatment is conducted from alcohol abuse treatment center but outpatient programs include active participation of friends and family members also.
The last and one of the most crucial factors of alcohol or drug abuse treatment program is finding the right place for a patient. Online search for different drug treatment centers will help somehow to get some names but the efficiency and appropriateness of selection is not possible by this superficial searching method.
In this context you can once visit the website for thetreatmentcenter.com for consultation of your problem. This is the website address of one of the best Drug Treatment Centers in Florida; you can take detail of their treatment programs. With the help of the efficient intervention program from this drug and alcohol abuse treatment center lots of patients from different places have enjoyed benefits; it might help you also in restoring joy and normalcy in your life again.
About the Author
If you are looking for some real good drug treatment centers or any alcohol treatment center the best choice is offered by the treatment center fl.
Natural and Non-Natural Acne Treatments
At one point all of us have been trying to find ways on how to be completely acne-free. Here are some natural and not so natural acne treatments that are proven to be effective.
1. Witch Hazel Astringent
This astringent comes from the plant with the same name. It is widely spread from Nova Scotia in Canada down to Texas and Florida. Simply steam the twigs of this plant and voila! The extract you get from it serves as your astringent. Remember to cool it though. What’s good about this is that it occurs naturally and even the process it has undergone is all natural. You can be assured it is less harsh compared with commercially-produced astringents.
2. Commercially Produced Astringents
There is no doubt that astringents we can buy over-the-counter are also effective. There are lots of variants to choose from with additional ingredients that promote better skin. The only downside is it can be a little harsh because of the chemicals added to produce this formula. Use them with extra care as they can dry the skin.
3. All-Natural Treatments
Kitchen and acne are two enemies we may not be aware of. Scout your kitchen for stuff like oranges and lemons, fresh garlic and raw potatoes.
- Oranges and lemons just need to be squeezed on cotton balls. Apply the extract on affected areas and wash it after about 20 minutes.
- Fresh garlic is used much easier. Just remove its peeling and rub it on your face.
- As for raw potatoes, peel them and rub its flat surface on your face.
The natural extracts from these fruits and vegetables can help minimize the redness at the same time can clean the skin.
4. Oral Antibiotics
For severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. These medications are orally taken to reduce the amount of bacteria inside and around skin follicles. They also decrease the exasperating chemicals that the white blood cells produce. Lastly, antibiotics diminish the concentration of the free fatty acids found in sebum, also creating an anti-inflammatory action. Consult your dermatologist for the right antibiotic and dosage.
Tetracycline is still the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for acne treatment. Most of this antibiotic should be taken on an empty stomach. Also, this shouldn’t be used by pregnant women and children under 9. Usually, the starting dose is initially 500 milligrams twice daily and is continuously taken until prescribed, or until a considerable dropping off of lesions is visible.
Erythromycin comes close second and can be prescribed to pregnant women. However, it can cause nausea and even upset stomach. Compared to tetracycline, which can only kill bacteria, Erythromycin has both anti-inflammatory and bacteria-killing properties. Also, this antibiotic needs to be taken in a food-filled tummy. You may discuss other possible antibiotics with your doctors regarding the effects and side-effects of each.
5. Topical Treatments
Externally applied creams are also proven effective for acne treatment. However, it results to drying and flaking but it is said to be the most effective treatment for severe acne. Benzoyl peroxide is one very common and effective topical acne treatment.
How to Become a Home Health Nurse
How to Become a Home Health Nurse
After learning the facts about how to become a home health nurse you will be better prepared to make a decision as to whether this career is right for you. A home health nurse works in the home with various patients, providing a wide array of treatments and support. The patients might be elderly, disabled, suffering from terminal illnesses, recovering from bad accidents, new mothers or any number of various other situations and categories. You need to be emotionally supportive, flexible and highly competent to enter this specialized area of nursing.The first step to becoming a home health nurse is getting the education. Home health care nurses typically go through accredited nursing schools to get their degrees. Some home health care nurses are LVNs, or Licensed Vocational Nurses, but the things these nurses can do and the salaries they earn are somewhat limited. If you want more responsibility and higher wages, it is best to get a Bachelor of Science in Nursing to become a registered nurse. There are also specialized professional certificates such as Geriatric Care and Life Care Planning that better equip nurses for the challenges of this job.
In addition to schooling, all nurses must have supervised clinical experience before they can become registered to work in their field. A nurse who wants to go into home health care will want to get as much experience in this type of nursing as possible before making it a specialization. Continuing education is also crucial in this career. Staying abreast with the latest developments enhances patient care in any setting, but when nurses are working out of people’s homes it is particularly important that they have as much of the latest knowledge as possible.
The good news is that home health nurses are highly in demand and earning decent salaries. The current nursing shortage of approximately 10 percent makes it clear just how badly we need more nurses in this country. The average salary for home health nurses is around $50,000, and there is plenty of room for advancement, especially with more specialized training, certifications and plenty of experience in the field.
About the Author
Find the perfect Nursing School or Nursing College today and start your path to a rewarding career. Visit http://nursingschoolsu.com
All about inexpensive Short Term Student Health Insurance
All about inexpensive Short Term Student Health Insurance
As the very name suggests short term student health insurance is a coverage plan that is provided for a stipulated and essentially short time span. All those students who are in need of coverage to meet the necessary requirements for college, or all those students who are a little too grown to be included in their parents plan, the short term student insurance plan is particularly meant to suit them.Age Requirements for Student Health Insurance
This insurance package accepts only applicants who are between the age group of 17 to 29. Most of the available coverage plans cater for as long as an individual is a student. However, some of the plans do allow the individuals to renew their plans only till the time when they are in need of it.
Time frame for Student Health Insurance
The preliminary coverage plan that an individual selects on can be rather short, in fact it can be as short as just for a month. The maximum period of a coverage plan can be one year at the most. Nonetheless, most of the companies do offer the policy holders a chance to renew the coverage.
Common features
Some of the common features of a Student Health Care Insurance plan are first the individual seeking the insurance is supposed to fill out the form. In case the form is filled online and the amount is paid using a credit card, the person may be lucky enough to get covered from the very next day provided that they are physically in the best of shape. Some of the other ways in which one can purchase such a plan is through mail or over the phone. But then one thing that should be remembered is most of these plans do not cover any of the pre-existing conditions.
The student health care insurance plans in general cover all those areas that are covered by normal health insurance plans. This is an indemnity plan which gives the individual to choose the hospital or medical practitioner of his own choice.
Size and dimension of the plan
The student health care insurance coverages generally have a maximum lifetime amount of $1,000,000. This is an amount that is more than enough to cover any kind of medical complications. For such an amount the deductibles may range for, $250 to $10,000.
Experts view about the Student Health Care Insurance Plans
It is always good to look for a plan that makes an offer of a warranted and renewable option. So even if the student by chance meets a medical emergency or falls sick for some reason while he or she is being covered by the plan, the insurance company is bound by law to renew the coverage policy. This is eligible as long as the individual was still a student for 31 days from the date of effect of the student health care policy. This precise characteristic makes the policies all the more lucrative and handy for the students.
About the Author
There are various kinds of affordable student health insurance care plans offered by the International Student Organization why don't you go ahead and give them a call? To know more about student health insurance, please visit our website.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Medicare Supplement Insurance Policy Benefits
Medicare supplement insurance policy benefits
Before knowing the span of medicare supplement policy plan, it is better to know exactly what the policy means. These types of health care plans are popularly known as Medigap insurance policy plan; this particular policy plan provides extra coverage on existing medicare health plan and covers the uncovered sectors of treatment. It bridges the gap of original insurance plan and perhaps one of the reasons it is called Medigap insurance plan. The main objective behind availing a medicare supplement plan is to secure the out-of-pockets expenses during any health emergency.There are different types of plans available against Medigap insurance plan and according to the coverage issue the premium of Medigap policies vary largely. Medigap insurance plan is never done in group and it is valid for only one person. For example if a Medigap policy is to avail against a couple, both of them will have two separate Medigap schemes. Medigap plans are always mentioned in front of the policy paper and Medigap policies are designed as per the recommendation and provisions of State and Federal laws.
Before knowing the benefits of Medigap plans it is wise to know the other side of the coin which means which factors are not covered by this supplementary insurance policy plan. The plans like Medicare prescription drug plans, Medicare advantage plans, Medicaid, benefits programs, Employers’ plan, TRICARE, and veterans’ benefits are not covered by Medigap policy coverage. Medigap policies are available different plans and it is therefore recommended to know the available plans from your health insurance agents.Although the benefits of Medigap insurance plans largely differ from one service provider to another and according to policy premium range, the common benefits of basic Medigap insurance plans are described here.
Medicare Supplement Insurance Companies are the only authorized points that can sell you a Medigap policy. However, the benefits and coverage will differ from one plan to other but each standardized policy will offer same array of benefits irrespective of its provider. The basic benefits of Medigap policies are Medicare Part A Coinsurance, Copayment or Coinsurance related to Medicare part-B, Blood cost up to first three pints, Hospital costs up to an additional 365 days post-medicare benefits, Coinsurance related to skilled Nursing facility expenses, copayment or Coinsurance for Part A Hospice Care, etc. Additionally, there is other coverage within Medigap insurance plans like deductible Medicare Part-A, part-B, part-B excess charge, health emergency during foreign travel, recovery expenses at home, part-B Medicare Preventive Care coinsurance, and list of preventive cares not covered by medicate original policy.In this context it is also important to know about the factors which are not covered by Medigap insurance plans irrespective of the availed plan. These are long-term care in nursing homes, optical and dental care, costs of hearing aids, expenses incurred for eyeglasses, the cost covered by private-duty nursing facility or arrangements.
Medigap plan is quite intricate health care plan. Therefore it is always recommended to contact any reputable insurance representative of any Medicare Supplement Insurance Companies to learn about the best available in your residing state as well as the best plan in accordance to your existing original health insurance plan.
About the Author
Best Medigap insurance, Medigap insurance plans and Medigap Health Insurance Plans available here.
Medigap Insurance Information at California-compare the plans
Medigap Insurance Information at California-compare the plans
In California there are 10 different Medicare Supplemental insurance plans available in market and California residents can avail any of these plans according to his/her original medicare plans. These insurance plans are multiple and quite complicated in character. Supplemental medicare plans cover the costs which are left in normal medicare plan hence provides better health coverage for the policy holders. Medigap insurance plans are available from Medicare Supplement Insurance Companies, and it is always recommended to compare between the existing Medigap plans before deciding for a particular insurance supplement plan.In California Medigap insurance plans are available as A-J in alphabetical order and it is always recommended for California residents to compare the available Medigap insurance plans before finalizing the best in accordance to the existing insurance plan. However the Medigap plans are apparently intricate and it is difficult to select between the options unless someone trade expert suggests on the issue. Therefore it is always good to consult a reputable insurance broker for selection of the right medicare supplement plan for best possible coverage.
In California each of the Medicare Supplement Insurance Companies receives certain rating depending on the customer satisfaction issues. There are many Medigap insurance providers in California insurance market who enjoy an” A” rating for the consistent track-record for customer satisfaction record. It is always recommended to avail medicare plan from “A” rated companies.If the comparison is to be done between two same competent companies it is always expected that two similar policy pricing should be compared. In some cases the insurance providers start with lower premium range and then raise their premium range whereas some companies start with higher rate and retain their premium rate consistently in the same place. Premium wise it will be cheaper go for the insurance provider with higher premium rate.
Residents of California have their insurance purchase options with from different insurance providers and the purchase can be done either in direct mode or through an individual agent. The premium rates are controlled by Federal law; therefore, monthly premiums will be same for same category of Medigap insurance plans.Californians enjoy an exceptional benefit on their birth month. By default, every California residents can switch to any preferred coverage plan. This yearly anniversary is called birthday rule. After the birth month, in California whoever wants to switch over insurance plans after his/her birthday month, he/she has to go through the medical underwriting process.
In California the existing insurance regulating law offers insurance for the persons above 65 years of age below 65 years of age, and those with medicare disability problem. In fact very few states offer this under 65 Medigap insurance facilities and in this regard California insurance scenario is unique and exceptional.In summary the residents of California who are eligible for Medigap plan can select their plan from multiple insurance plans. It is always recommended to work with reputable insurance agents so that the agent can provide information about all possible quotes from different companies regarding the best possible Medigap insurance plan.
About the Author
Attractive Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, Supplemental Medicare Insurance Plans and Medicare Supplement Insurance Companies find out here.
Finding an affordable Ohio Health Insurance Plan
Finding an affordable Ohio Health Insurance Plan
Are you vehemently searching around for a comprehensively affordable Ohio Health Insurance plan? Well you won’t be very happy to know that finding one of those is a lot similar to actually finding a golden mine in some secret cave. The costs of the Ohio Health Insurance plans, rather health insurance plans all over are on a high rise at the moment. And it has become one of the most anxious problems for millions of people around the globe who are aiming to buy a suitable healthcare plan to ensure their future and that of their family.It is the standard and legible human right of each and every individual to be insured. They have the right to be assured of the fact that they will be provided with ample and appropriate medical care and attention at any point of time during a medical emergency. Hence in effect, every individual needs to have suitable health insurance coverage. However, the cause of the insurance providers also cannot be overlooked as they find it immensely hard to battle and deal with the problem of providing quality insurance coverage in the face of the continually increasing hospitalization and medical care needs.
One of the prime reasons that is responsible for this increase in the prices of the health insurance plans in general is the ground breaking developments within the field of medical science in the last few years. These entire novel researches convert to an improved and much more powerful medical technology. Given this backdrop, health insurance plans have emerged to be one of the most costly commodities in case an individual comes across any kind of medical negligence.
But still the question that remains is how to get an affordable health insurance plan. Well an easy and appropriate way out could be a group health insurance plan. This is a kind of an insurance coverage that is provided by the employer in collaboration with Insurance Company. In this case the employer pays for a part of the policy premium for the group healthcare policy. In essence, a group health insurance plan is mutually carried by the employer and the employees who counter a part of the expenses on a pre-tax basis under the Congress passed Section 125. This makes the employees entitled to a number of specified benefits as well. The net expenses that each of the employees have to bear is for the entire group health insurance cover along with the diverse range of other benefits which have in the process been reduced drastically.
The entire category of Group Health Insurance Plans can be at large split into the following categories,Indemnity plans. Traditionally the indemnity plans and the Fee for Service Plans are more common in the East Coast region Managed care plans. These plans are extremely popular in western USA
Both the two categories are a lot different from each other in terms of approach. The sectors that concern these differences are the choice of the hospitals and the medical providers, the expenses for the medical services that have to be paid out of the pocket and the process in which the medical bills are paid.
About the Author
The ohio health insurance plan you buy will be protecting the entire family along with you from immensely costly healthcare expenses. To know more about ohio health insurance, please visit our website.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
La queratoplastia laminar es uno de los procedimientos más seguros, ya que no remueve las capas más profundas de la cornea y en la mayoría de los casos las enfermedades visuales se producen en las capas externas, por lo que la hacen la opción más recomendable en enfermedades menos severas o con menor avance.
La queratoplastia está indicada cuando existen lesiones severa que disminuyen la transparencia de la cornea y no es posible utilizar un método alternativo para mejorar la visión, por ejemplo en queratocono de niveles 3 a 4, distrofias hereditarias de la córnea e infecciones severas del ojo.
Queratoplastia penetrante realizada por el Dr Díaz Couchoud (video)
Natural Beauty Tips - Get Younger Looking Skin
Natural beauty tips and remedies
The application of moisturizing skin lotions and creams boosts the production of collagen in your skin and enhances its firmness and elasticity. Daily use of a home-made cucumber lotion soothes and revitalizes your skin. This lotion can be prepared by boiling pieces of cucumber in half a litre of water, letting it simmer for 5 minutes and filtering the liquid. This lotion can be stored in your refrigerator for about 10 days and should be applied with cotton wool.
Cucumber is also known to reduce the appearance of under eye dark circles. Put a slice of cucumber on your eyelids and relax for 15 minutes as it banishes your dark circles. Apple slices can be substituted for cucumber, but they need to be really juicy in order to be effective. Soak a compress in chamomile tea and put it under your eyes to get rid of dark circles and puffiness. Exposure to cold and dry weather can give you rough, chapped lips. Apply some almond oil before going to bed for soft supple lips in the morning.
Make your own natural make-up removing lotion with the help of lemon or orange juice, sweet almond oil and petroleum jelly. Mix these ingredients thoroughly for a creamy rejuvenating facial lotion. Make natural honey-based beauty milk at home with 20 centiliters of milk and a single tablespoon of honey. Mix these ingredients thoroughly and apply it on your face twice a day. This beauty milk can be stored in your refrigerator for about 8 days.
Apart from these external beauty treatments, the best way to keep your skin looking young and fresh is to increase your intake of nutritive foods. Multigrain bread, for instance, provides your body with a lot of selenium that eliminates free radicals. This boosts collagen production and gives you younger-looking skin from within. Oats are rich in silicic acid that produces the sponge-like cells that exist between your skin fibres and collagen. Eating more oats reduces fine lines and plumps up your skin for added youthfulness.
Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardine contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are responsible for forming prostaglandins that keep your skin hydrated. Lean steak supplies your body with certain essential nutrients. If you don’t like steak, try increasing your intake of oily fish or dark turkey meat. Crab is a rich source of copper which decreases the appearance of age spots-a tell-tale sign of ageing.
A healthy lifestyle that incorporates a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is essential for naturally healthy, younger-looking skin.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Estroma corneal
El estroma corneal está provisto de un significativo número de células dendríticas residentes, las cuales forman parte del un sistema de células presentadoras de antígeno altamente eficiente las cuales inician las repuestas inmunológica de la córnea.
Epitelio corneal
Friday, November 5, 2010
Neuropatía óptica isquémica
Es por ello que se puede clasificar dos tipos de neuropatía óptica isquémica: 1) neuropatía óptica isquémica anterior, o no arterítica, que afecta la parte anterior del nervio óptico y el disco óptico y que generalmente causa una rápida pérdida de la visión en un ojo; se caracteriza por un infarto de las fibras del nervio óptico. 2) neuropatía óptica isquémica posterior, o arteritica, que provoca una repentina pérdida de la visión en ambos ojos con una subsecuente atrofia óptica.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Healthy Diet for Child
By the time they are five years old; children should be eating a similar diet to the rest of the family and joining in with family meals. But as they’re still growing, they may need a few extras to ensure they get enough energy.
Make Sure the Whole Family Eats Well
Children will only develop healthy eating habits if the rest of the family sets a good example:- Sit down together to eat as a family whenever possible
- Meals should provide a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals
- Cut down on junk food, processed food and high-fat, high-sugar snacks
Don’t Forget About Breakfast
Research shows that many children go off to school without eating a good breakfast or grab a chocolate bar instead. Most families are in a hurry in the mornings, but a bowl of fortified cereal with milk and a glass of fruit juice takes no time at all to prepare and eat. Alternatively, a couple of slices of wholemeal toast and spread with a banana and a glass of milk will provide an energy-rich start to the day. Children are much more likely to concentrate at school if they’ve had something good to eat first.Lunch on Schooldays
If children have a school lunch, parents can chat with them about healthy choices – although peers may have an increasing influence at this stage. Some schools send out menus in advance, which children and parents can look at together.If children have a packed lunch, parents can still monitor what they eat and many schools make it easier by banning things like crisps and chocolate bars. Try to include a balanced selection such as a sandwich, samosa or filled pitta, some fresh or dried fruit, raw vegetables like carrot sticks or cherry tomatoes and a yoghurt or a piece of cheese.
Children often need snacks during the day to keep going. Avoid keeping too many biscuits, cakes and crisps in the cupboards and stock them instead with crackers, bread sticks and dips, plenty of fruit (children love fruit that’s easy to eat, like grapes, strawberries, dried apricots and raisins) and raw vegetables. Other good snack ideas include breakfast cereal and milk; baked beans, cheese or peanut butter on toast; yoghurt; and home-made smoothies.Drinks
Keep sugary drinks to a minimum because of the large amount of sugar they contain. The diet varieties have lots of artificial ingredients too, so are best avoided. If children want fizzy drinks, try sparkling water with fruit juice or a little high juice squash. Milk and water are good drinks at any time of day, but avoid filling up on milk before meals. Children over the age of two no longer need full fat milk.Vitamins
Some parents give their children vitamin supplements. Most experts agree that this is unnecessary if children are eating a balanced diet.Family Members with Different Tastes
If parents try to please everyone, they can end up running a café at home. Try to strike a balance between acknowledging that everyone is an individual – with their own likes and dislikes – and a certain level of cooperation over eating healthy food.There are some simple strategies that will help. For example, if one child prefers their pasta plain, put some to one side before adding sauce. Or if they only like one or two vegetables, buy in frozen ones that can be cooked with a minimum of fuss – but don’t deprive everyone else of variety. Let children help choose healthy menus and get them involved in shopping and cooking – that way, they’re more likely to feel consulted.
Do serve foods that children will like, but offer new tastes too and praise them for trying. It’s best not to force children to eat what’s on their plates, but don’t offer too many alternatives either or let them fill up on puddings.
Source : www.kidsandnutrition.co.uk
Treatment Chart for Peptic Ulcer
I. Milk and banana diet for three to five days.
II. Thereafter, the following diet may be adopted:-
1. Upon arising: 25 black raisins soaked overnight in water along with the water in which they are soaked and also water kept overnight in copper vessel.
2. Breakfast: Fruits such as bananas, mangoes, musk melon, custard apple, papaya and figs and a glass of milk. Avoid sour fruits .
3. Mid-morning: Carrot juice or coconut water.
4. Lunch: Steamed vegetables, whole wheat chappatis or rice.
5. Mid-afternoon: Few dates and milk.
6. Dinner: Lightly cooked vegetables, whole wheat Chappatis and fruits.
NOTE: Introduce gradually raw vegetables and sprouted green gram .
7. Before retiring: A glass of milk.
AVOID: Tobacco, alcohol, flesh foods, coffee, tea, condiments, all chillies, white sugar, white flour and their products, fried and greasy foods.
IMPORTANT: Take low salt diet, small and frequent meals, avoid too hot or too cold foods and drink eight glasses of water everyday.
1. We packs for one hour in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, hot packs in case of abdominal pain.
2. Yogasanas like uttanpadasan, pavanmuktasan, bhujan¬gasan and shavasan.
3. Avoid stress, nervous strain, and worries.
4. Adequate rest and relaxation.
Source : www.diethealthclub.com
Peptic Ulcer Treatment
Treatment of peptic ulcers
There are lifestyle changes that you can make to help your ulcers heal and prevent them coming back. These include:
- not having food and drink that give you more severe symptoms, such as spicy foods and alcohol
- stopping smoking
- not taking painkillers that are likely to cause ulcers in the future - your GP or pharmacist can give you advice on other medicines you can take instead
There are two main groups of medicines available to treat peptic ulcers. These are:
- proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole and lansoprazole
- H2-blockers - examples include ranitidine and cimetidine
Both types of medicine reduce acid production in the stomach, allowing your ulcer to heal. They can both be used long-term to prevent your ulcer coming back.
These medicines will relieve your symptoms and within a few weeks your ulcer will heal. However, once you stop taking the medicine, your ulcer may come back unless the H. pylori has been treated and removed.
Treating H. pylori infection
If tests confirm that you have H. pylori, you will be prescribed medicines to treat it. This is usually a combination of a proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics. Treating the H. pylori infection should allow your ulcer to heal and prevent it from coming back. Your GP will do the tests again after treatment to make sure it has been successful in getting rid of H. pylori.
Source : hcd2.bupa.co.uk
La hipermetropía es tratada con lentes convergentes biconvexos. También se utiliza lentes de contacto para hipermetropia y la cirugía de la cornea con laser (LASIK) o una intervención quirúrgica en la que se extrae el cristalino y se sustituye por una lente intraocular.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Queratectomía fotorrefractiva
El epitelio de la cornea es suave y de rápido crecimiento, pudiendo regenerarse por si mismo por medio de las células madres corneales en el lapso de unos pocos días sin pérdida de transparencia. En cambio el estroma de la cornea tiene una capacidad de regeneración muy limitada. Es por ello que cuando se le cambia la forma por medio de una queratectomía, el estroma no volverá a retomar su estructura anterior causante de la miopía. En cambio, el epitelio corneal que se retira o ablaciona para poder cambiar la forma del estroma, se regenera rápidamente.
Queratectomía fotorrefractiva realizada en el Centro Oftalmológico Carriazo (Barranquilla)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
How to Lose Weight Fast
Here, tips to Lose Weight Fast :
- At the time of breakfast if you can select a high fiber diet plus orange juice drink.
- If you like to drink tea, mild green tea every day can help burn about 70 calories more a day.
- If you like to drink milk, you should not select the full cream. Please consumption of low fat milk beverage.
- Drink plenty of water. Many people can not distinguish between hunger and thirst. When the thought was hungry (though, really thirsty), you will eat foods (that actually do not need you consume) and then, how do I tell? Drink a glass of water and wait until 10 minutes to see if you are still hungry. If yes, then you are hungry.
- Eat slowly way.
- Use a smaller plate. No matter how many calories of food and size of these plates. To work around this, use smaller plates. You will feel full by eating less.
- Limit your carbohydrates. Foods high in protein, such as fish, is the best dinner option to control body weight. This is because protein makes you full longer. If you want to consume carbohydrates, avoid simple, because it is more likely to be stored as fat rather than used as energy.
Medicaid - The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, known as CMS for short, is a federal agency in the United States Department of Health and Human Services that works with state governments to administer Medicaid, Medicare, health insurance portability standards and the State Children's Health Insurance Program. They have other responsibilities too, such as ensuring long-term care facility quality, clinical laboratory quality standards, and simplifying the administrative aspects of HIPPA 1996.
In 1965, the Social Security Act was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, which established both Medicaid and Medicare. The Social Security Administration was responsible for administrating Medicaid. Then, in 1977, the Heath Care Financing Administration (HCFA) became responsible for Medicaid and Medicare. In 1980, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) was split into two separate agencies now called the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HCFA moved under the Department of Health and Human Services. In July of 2001, HCFA was renamed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This change was done to give the agency a new direction and a new spirit to reflect the CMS's mission to serve millions of Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries throughout America.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is headquartered in Woodlawn, Maryland. There are 10 other regional offices located throughout the country. The Region I office is in Boston, Massachusetts and includes Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont and Rhode Island. Region II is in New York City, New York and includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Region III is in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and includes the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginia, and West Virginia. Region IV is in Atlanta Georgia and includes Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, and Kentucky. Region V is in Chicago Illinois and includes Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Minnesota.
Continuing to move across the country, Region VI is in Dallas, Texas and includes the states of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas. Region VII is in Kansas City, Missouri and includes Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Iowa. Region VIII is in Denver Colorado for Colorado, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Utah. Region IX is in San Francisco, California and includes Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam. Region X is located in Seattle, Washington and includes the states of Washington, Alaska, Oregon, and Idaho.If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help save 50% on health insurance.
Sean L Johnson is a journalist for Health Insurance Buyer a referral service that refers consumers to the insurance carriers that can best fit their wants and needs. Get a free reduce quote today at www.health-insurance-buyer.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_L_Johnson | |
Health Insurance and Anti Anxiety Medications
Xanax and the benzodiazepines are a group of medications that are most commonly prescribed for various issues such as panic attacks and anxiety problems. These problems can be severe enough to impair a patient's quality of life. In such cases, medications such as Xanax and the benzodiazepines are often prescribed to try and alleviate some of the more severe symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety issues. These are often chosen over anti-depressants in that they are known to work faster, in a shorter time frame than many anti-depressants do.
Most health insurance coverage plans that have mental health provisions included will cover the costs of medications that the doctor prescribes in treatment of mental health issues such as anxiety. This was not always the case but in recent years things have changed and mental health provisions have become much more widely covered under most health insurance plans. This is a good thing in that the people who need these medications on a regular basis do not have to pay for them out of pocket.
Health insurance coverage is important for all families to have in the event of any illnesses or injuries as well as wellness checkups and preventative health care measures. Doctor visits and wellness checkups are covered under most health insurance plans, as are periodic hearing and vision screenings. Mental health issues are also covered under most health insurance plans these days. This is a big relief for those who take medications such as Xanax and the benzodiazepines in the treatment of anxiety disorders and panic attacks. While these medications are best taken in tandem with quality counseling for the patient, they are effective in getting the patient through and letting them calm down enough to cope and learn how to manage the problem.
Xanax and the benzodiazepines are not to be trifled with, as most medications are not. They can be addictive if taken for long periods of time, but should not be stopped without assistance from the doctor as to a gradual decrease or other advice on stopping the Xanax and the benzodiazepines medications. Side effects to this medication can be severe and should be discussed in great detail with the doctor before agreeing to try Xanax and the benzodiazepines. Health insurance prescription plans should help with the cost of these medications in the treatment of panic attacks and various anxiety disorders.
If you need assistance in locating a carrier that provides benefits and coverage for these conditions, please visit our website at http://www.health-insurance-buyer.com and leave your contact information so we may respond to your request.
Sean L Johnson is a journalist for Health Insurance Buyer a referral service that refers consumers to the insurance carriers that can best fit their wants and needs. Get a free reduce quote today at www.health-insurance-buyer.com
Monday, November 1, 2010
El error refractivo del ojo astigmático deriva de la diferencia de grado en la curvatura de refracción de los dos meridianos diferentes. Por ejemplo la imagen puede ser claramente enfocada en la retina en el plano horizontal, pero no en el vertical. El astigmatismo causa dificultad para ver detalles finos, y en algunos casos las líneas verticales puede aparecerle al paciente estar inclinadas. Las partes ópticas astigmadas del ojo humano a menudo puede ser corregidas con lentes comunes o de contactos, los cuales tienen una óptica compensatoria, o lentes cilindricos, como así también por cirugía refractiva.