Monday, May 31, 2010
Nurses An Important Part of the Healthcare Community
Nurses develop a plan of care, sometimes working collaboratively with physicians, therapists, the patient, the patient's family and other team members. In the U.S. (and increasingly the United Kingdom), advanced practice nurses, such as clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners, diagnose health problems and prescribe medications and other therapies. Nurses may help coordinate the patient care performed by other members of a health care team such as therapists, medical practitioners, dietitians, etc. Nurses provide care both interdependently, for example, with physicians, and independently as nursing professionals.
According to the US Department of Labor's revised Occupational Outlook Handbook (2000), "Registered nurses (R.N.s) work to promote health, prevent disease, and help patients cope with illness. They are advocates and health educators for patients, families, and communities. When providing direct patient care, they observe, assess, and record symptoms, responses, and progress; assist physicians during treatments and examinations; administer medications; and assist in convalescence and rehabilitation. R.N.s also develop and manage nursing care plans; instruct patients and their families in proper care; and help individuals and groups take steps to improve or maintain their health."
The nursing career structure varies considerably throughout the world. Typically there are several distinct levels of nursing practitioner, distinguished by increasing education, responsibility and skills. The major distinction is between task-based nursing and professional nursing.
In various parts of the world, the educational background for nurses varies widely. In some parts of Eastern Europe, nurses are high school graduates with twelve to eighteen months of training. In contrast, Chile requires any Registered Nurse to have at least a bachelor's degree.
At the top of the educational ladder is the doctoral-prepared nurse. Nurses may gain the PhD or another doctoral degree such as Doctor of Nursing Science (DNSc) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), specializing in research, clinical nursing, etc. These nurses practice nursing, teach nursing and carry out nursing research. As the science and art of nursing has advanced, so has the demand for doctoral-prepared nurses.
Registered Nurses generally receive their basic preparation through one of three basic avenues:
Graduation from an Associate of Science in Nursing degree-granting nursing program (two to three years of college level study with a strong emphasis on clinical knowledge and skills) earning the degree of ASN/AAS or ADN in Nursing.
Graduation with a three-year (Diploma in Nursing) certificate from a hospital-based school of nursing (non-degree). Few of these programs remain in the U.S. and the proportion of nurses practicing with a diploma is rapidly decreasing.
Graduation from a university with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (a four - five year program conferring the BSN/BN degree with enhanced emphasis on leadership and research as well as clinically-focused courses).
There are also special programs for "LPN to RN", for people who hold undergraduate degrees in other disciplines, and for paramedics or military medics. Graduates of all programs, once licensed, are eligible for employment as entry-level staff nurses.
A typical course of study at any level typically includes such topics as:
Anatomy and physiology
Pharmacology and medication administration
Nursing ethics
Nursing theory
Nursing practice
Legal issues in nursing practice
All pathways into practice require that the candidate undergo clinical training in nursing. Care is delivered by the student nurses under academic supervision in the hospital and in other practice settings. Clinical courses typically include:
Maternal-child nursing
Pediatric nursing
Adult medical-surgical nursing
Geriatric nursing
Psychiatric nursing
While in clinical training, student nurses are identified by a special uniform to distinguish them from licensed professionals.
In many nursing programs in the United States, a computerized exam is given before, during and upon completion to evaluate the student and nursing program outcomes. This exam upon completion of the nursing program is done to measure a student's readiness for the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN state board licensure exam. The exam identifies strengths and weaknesses and provides the need for remediation prior to taking the state board exam. This is not a requirement of all nursing programs in the United States, but has increased its usage in the past three to four years.
It is common for RNs to seek additional education to earn a Master of Science in Nursing or Doctor of Nursing Science to prepare for leadership or advanced practice roles within nursing. Management and teaching positions increasingly require candidates to hold an advanced degree in nursing. Many hospitals offer tuition reimbursement or assistance to nurses who want to continue their education beyond their basic preparation.
Many nurses pursue voluntary specialty certification through professional organizations and certifying bodies in order to demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in their area of expertise.
All U.S. states and territories require RNs to graduate from an accredited nursing program which allows the candidate to sit for the NCLEX-RN, a standardized examination administered through the National Council of State Nursing Boards. Successful completion of the NCLEX-RN is required for state licensure as an RN.
Nurses from other countries are required to be proficient in English and have their educational credentials evaluated by an association known as the Council of Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools prior to being permitted to take the U.S. licensing exam.
Government regulates the profession of nursing to protect the public. In the U.S., the individual states have authority over nursing practice. The scope of practice is defined by legislative and regulatory laws which are administered by State Nursing Boards.
Many states have adopted the Model Nursing Practice Act and Model Nursing Administrative Rules created by the National Council of State Nursing Boards (NCSNB). In addition, many State Nursing Boards model their licensure requirements on the Uniform Core Licensure Requirements which set forth competency development and competency assessment principles.
Nurses may be licensed in more than one state, either by examination or endorsement of a license issued by another state. In addition, the states which have adopted the Nurse Licensure Compact allow nurses licensed in one of the states to practice in all of them through mutual recognition of licensure.
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By: Josh Stone
Los psicópatas suelen ser personas carismáticas, manipuladores y a menudo usan la intimidación, las relaciones sexuales y la violencia como medio para controlar a sus víctimas. El pscicópata es el típico delincuente o criminal que comete felonías, quebrantando las leyes y normas sociales. Sin empatía y remordimiento, la conducta del psicópata tiene siempre como blanco a un ser humano, generalemente manipulable o "débil". Cuando obtiene algo por medios ilegales, siempre lo hace causando graves daños (o la muerte) de otros seres humanos.
El francés Philippe Pinel describió a la psicopatía en 1809 como "locura sin delirio", designando un patrón de conducta caracterizado por la falta de remordimientos y la ausencia completa de restricciones. Pinel describió a pacientes que realizaban actos arriesgados e impulsivos, a pesar de ser racionales y de conservar intactas sus habilidades cognitivas. A diferencia de un esquizofrénico o psicótico, el psicópata no sufre de alucinaciones y delirios, y están en contacto con la realidad.
El psicópata se caracteriza por una gran capacidad verbal y un encanto superficial; necesidad de obtener estímulos y tendencia al aburrimiento; tendencia a mentir de forma patológica; posee una autoestima inflada o exagerada; comportamiento manipulador; crueldad e insensibilidad; falta de metas realistas a largo plazo; etc.
La tomografía por emisión de positrones permite leer la actividad del cerebro ante determinados estímulos. Los estímulos relacionados con las capacidades de empatía se encuentran ausentes en el área prefrontal del lóbulo frontal del cerebro en el caso de los psicópatas, ya que, por lo que sabemos de neurología, el área prefrontal es un centro inhibidor y modulador de conducta a luz de nuestros razonamientos morales, y en el caso del psicópata se halla inactivo ante un estímulo que sugiera empatía hacia terceras personas.
Los niños con rasgos psicópatas mostraron respuestas anormales dentro de la corteza prefrontal ventromedial durante errores de retracción castigados, en comparación con niños con trastorno de déficit de atención/hiperactividad y con los niños sanos (P< .05 corregido para comparaciones múltiples). De acuerdo a nuestro conocimiento, este estudio proporciona la primera evidencia de la sensibilidad de la corteza prefrontal ventromedial anormal en niños con rasgos psicópatas y demuestra que esta disfunción no es atribuible al trastorno de déficit de atención comorbido/hiperactividad.
Teoría psicoanalítica de la psicopatía
Fenichel (1945) y Bender (1947) sugirieron que la falta de empatía del psicópata, su falta de conciencia, o incapacidad de medir las consecuencias de ciertos tipos de conducta (causa y efecto), y sus relaciones interpersonales superficiales, se deben a un cambio constante de ambiente en la infancia, a carencias afectectivas, y a una crianza "accidentada" en manos de distintos adultos. Esto es común en los niños huérfanos o abandonados que diambulan en las calles o terminan institucionalizados. Estas carencias causarían regresiones a diferentes fases de la niñez. El aspecto agresivo de un psicópata puede reflejar una incapacidad para controlar sus impulsos orales primordiales o primitivos.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Nursing Career - Alternative Career Options For Registered Nurses
So you're getting bored with your nursing job and thinking of alternative careers that may be more exciting, possibly expanding your horizons and allowing you to take you and your landau scrubs free shipping onto some new heights of adventures and experiences? Who says you have to be stuck in the hospital you work for, for the rest of your life? There are other options you can pursue without wasting your nursing diploma and career investment. If you dream of traveling the world, why not become a flight nurse? If you want a more thrilling and suspenseful work environment, why not become a forensic nurse? If you wish a more laid-back and glamorous job, why not a writer? And if you crave for more independence, control and power why not consider becoming an entrepreneur or consultant? These are just some of the options laid out for you in the exciting world of nursing career possibilities.
Flight Nurse
A flight nurse assists in the emergency and non-emergency air transfer of injured or ill patients, including inter-facility transport and "scene calls" for medical emergencies and trauma. The role of the flight nurse is to provide patient care, and to be a trainer, educator, administrator, and researcher. This type of work is very challenging and involves working with diverse types of medical professional and patients. It is also physically demanding with a high level of acuity. To qualify, one must be a registered nurse with certification in Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and, typically, Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certification (PALS). Potential employers include private and public transport companies, trauma centers, and the military.
Forensic Nurse
A forensic nurse works together with law enforcement officials and is involved in the investigation and treatment of victims of child and spousal abuse, sexual assault, trauma, unexplained accidental death, as well as the investigation of the perpetrators of relevant criminal activities. This is a fairly new and challenging job that requires investigative and counseling skills. Possible employers include correctional institutions, acute healthcare facilities, county prosecutor, insurance companies, and psychiatric facilities.
Medical Writer
A medical writer (or editor) writes, edits, and proofreads technical materials used for medical research, training and education, communication, sales and marketing, and others. Possible positions for this field include medical writer, medical proofreader, medical copy editor, medical researcher, medical editor, editorial assistant, and managing editor. For those nurses who have secretly dreamt of writing, this is a great opportunity to work flexible hours and combine medical knowledge and experience with writing skills. You can let your hair down and do away with your landau scrubs free shipping! Possible employers for this field include pharmaceutical companies, medical publications, general interest publications, freelance (self-employment), and not-for-profit organizations.
Entrepreneur or Consultant
For those who are willing to take the risk, becoming an entrepreneur-that is, starting your own business-can be very rewarding. Being your own boss requires independence of mind and a lot of creativity. Nurses turned entrepreneurs or consultants can work in almost any aspect of the healthcare industry, and even starting their own private practice.
About the Author
Brent McNutt enjoys talking about landau scrubs free shipping and urbane scrubs free shipping as well as networking with healthcare professionals online.(ArticlesBase SC #803733)
Farmacocinética: posee un metabolismo hepático y una vida media de 2 a 3 horas.
Friday, May 28, 2010
How To Succeed In The World Of Nursing
Nursing is getting more and more competitive as more and more students annually are choosing nursing as a career option. This is partly due to the job security and attractive compensation packages that a nursing career can provide. Graduating from nursing school and passing the board exam to become a licensed nurse almost guarantees a job well into the future even with an erratic economic climate. Below are some tips on how to succeed in the world of nursing.
Boosting Your Application
To get into nursing school, you need to have a high school diploma and a relatively good academic standing in science subjects such as biology, chemistry, and physics. You must also be able to speak and write good and clear English. It will also help if you have some understanding of, or propensity for, psychology as well as computer and technology. If you want to get an edge before applying in a nursing school, you can volunteer at a local hospital to get free hands-on experience. This will be a great way for you to learn more about the nursing career and also help boost your application for entering the nursing school of your choice. Take note that you are also required to take a pre-admission test in addition to SATs and others before you can be admitted to a nursing school.
Developing Winning Characteristics
The characteristics that will help you excel in a nursing career and be a cut above the rest in your landau scrubs free shipping include having good people skills and problem-solving skills, being compassionate, flexible, and patient, and having the ability to stay calm in a crisis. Having a good sense of humor and being level headed and even-tempered are also valuable characteristics to help you survive the stressful environment. Having organizational and leadership skills are imperative if you want to advance your career and specialize or be promoted to a managerial position.
Widening Your Options
Nursing offers a wide array of options that some registered nurses are not even aware of, thus a lot compete for the same positions when they can explore more exciting roles and jobs. Today, more than ever, nurses have more options and flexibility on what kind of work to get into, where to apply (in different states or abroad), what schedule to take and how frequent they want to work. All over the world, nurses are in high demand and the kinds of work offered for registered nurses are diverse, cutting across different fields not just in healthcare (i.e. private corporations, schools, pharmacies, military, publishing, and so on). About 50% of nurses in landau scrubs free shipping work in hospitals but the rest work in different fields such as in community health clinics, long-term-care centers (nursing homes, rehabilitation, hospice), home care (as private duty nurses or visiting nurses), schools (as nursing professors), insurance and managed care companies, corporate health centers (as consultants, occupational safety, or educators), freestanding outpatient and surgery centers, pharmaceuticals, biotech, medical technology, university clinics, military, research centers, Peace Corps, nonprofit organizations, and international service organizations among countless other fields.
About the Author
Brent McNutt enjoys talking about landau scrubs free shipping and urbane scrubs free shipping as well as networking with healthcare professionals online.(ArticlesBase SC #803743)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - How To Succeed In The World Of NursingParanoia
La paranoia también se puede manifestar en un tipo de sensaciones angustiantes, como la de estar siendo perseguido por fuerzas incontrolables, lo que sería una manía persecutoria. El individuo enfermo también puede sentir que ha sido elegido para una alta misión, como la de salvar al mundo (delirio de grandeza, atribuido por algunos estudiosos a determinadas personalidades dictatoriales y gobiernos).
El psiquiatra español Enrique González Duro, en su libro La paranoia (1991), afirma que los factores desencadenantes de esta enfermedad se encuentran muy activos en individuos que presentan un acusado narcisismo y que se han visto expuestos a serias frustraciones, hallándose consecuentemente dotados de una baja autoestima. Esto provoca que se dispare en los mismos el mecanismo natural de Proyección, muy estudiado por la psicología, en virtud del cual tendemos a atribuir a otros aquellos impulsos, fantasías, frustraciones y tensiones que nos resultan inexplicables, inaceptables e insoportables en nosotros mismos.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Choosing A Career In Health Care - Why Nursing Is A Wise Career Choice
Different people choose a nursing career for different reasons. Some choose to become a nurse because they have a caring and compassionate nature, others feel that nursing is a very lucrative profession and pays rather handsomely, others consider the fact that nurses are in high demand, while most have their own personal stories that have led them to choose nursing as a profession. Nursing also affords a lot of opportunities such as health benefits, travel opportunities, landau scrubs free shipping, and diverse career options.
High demand
Statistics show that the need for nurses will increase in years to come and that the demand for nurses has become greater than ever before. In the US and the UK, there is a significant shortage of nurses. Some of the reasons for this high demand include the fact that the US is an aging population and the advances in health care have allowed people to live longer. Because of this, there are more elderly people who need nurse assistance and care. The number of sick people is also increasing and the need for skilled nurses is growing proportionally. Besides the hospital, nurses are also needed in retirement communities and homes. In addition, the existing nursing workforce is aging and a lot of these nurses are expected to retire in 10 to 15 years. More nurses are needed to replenish the workforce. A lot of people take up a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing because it almost guarantees a job right out of college.
Economic immunity
A lot of people also consider a career in nursing because of the job security it promises. No matter what type of economic climate, a certified nurse can be assured of a career well into the future because health care is a necessity. Even in times of crisis when people are more stringent with their money, health care is one area where people are less likely to scrimp on, especially if they have health insurance landau scrubs free shipping anyway.
Lucrative income
The average entry-level salary for registered nurses is around $44,600. Compared to the entry-level salaries of other fields such as Accounting ($43,269), Marketing ($33,873), Economics ($24,667), and Teaching ($31,704); Compensation for nurses is very competitive indeed. As registered nurses gain adequate experience throughout the years, their salary also increases. In addition to that, nurses also receive extra pay for overtime work and graveyard shifts, significantly augmenting their base salaries. Later on in their career, after having gained experience, nurses can pursue further studies, go into advanced clinical practice, or get promoted to nursing management or administrative work and earn even more. As an example, nurse administrators receive an average of $45,071, while nurse practitioners average about $71,000 per year. Specializing is even more lucrative such as nurse anesthetists, which earn an average of $113,000. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the highest 10% of registered nurses earned more than $74,760 per year. For many people, this is a very attractive proposition and can guarantee a bright financial future and a promising career.
About the Author
Brent McNutt enjoys talking about landau scrubs free shipping and urbane scrubs free shipping as well as networking with healthcare professionals online.(ArticlesBase SC #803715)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Choosing A Career In Health Care - Why Nursing Is A Wise Career ChoiceNimodipina
La nimodipina ha demostrado tener trofismo por la trama vascular cerebral. Debido a que la nimodipina tiene cierta selectividad por la vasculatura cerebral, su principal indicación es en la prevención del vasoespasmo cerebral y la consiguiente isquemia, una complicación precoz y devastadora de la hemorragia subaracnoidea, que es una forma de sangrado cerebral, especificamente por ruptura de aneurismas intracraneales, independientemente de la condición del paciente después del derrame. Su administración se debe iniciar en los primeros 4 días después de una hemorragia subaracnoidea y se mantiene durante tres semanas.
Administrada por vía oral, la nimodipina alcanza niveles plasmáticos máximos al cabo de una hora y media. Los sujetos que recibían anticonvulsivantes al mismo tiempo resultaban con concentraciones menores de los esperados de nimodipina en sangre, mientras que aquellos tomando valproato tenían concentraciones marcadamente mayores de los esperados.
La nimodipina posee un metabolismo hepático y su adherencia a las proteínas es del 95%. Se metaboliza en reacciones del primer paso. El anillo de dihidropiridina de la nimodipina sufre deshidrogenización en las células hepáticas, una reacción gobernada por el citocromo P-450 (CYP3A). Esa reacción es completamente inhibido por el antibiótico troleandomicina o por el antifúngico ketoconazol. La nimodipina tiene una vida media de 8 a 9 horas. El 40-50% del fármaco se excreta por vía renal.
Mecanismo de acción
La nimodipina produce una relajación del músculo liso arterial y que ello causa vasodilatación, lo que favorece el flujo colateral por medio de la dilatación de las arteriolas de la piamadre.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Actualmente la clozapina se considera el prototipo de antipsicótico atípico y un fármaco de reserva por su especial toxicidad. Sus principales indicaciones son esquizofrenias resistentes a otros antipsicóticos y esquizofrenias con graves efectos extrapiramidales con otros antipsicóticos. Se recomienda su inicio gradual, partiendo de dosis muy bajas, para mejorar su aceptación por el paciente, quien, además, debe realizarse un análisis de sangre semanal durante los primeros cuatro meses y mensual durante todo el resto del tratamiento. Además de usarse en esquizofrenias, se ha utilizado en otros trastornos con síntomas psicóticos, como delirios, trastornos bipolares y depresivos.
Farmacocinética de la clozapina
La clozapina posee una biodisponibilidad de entre el 60 y 70%. Tiene un metabolismo hepático y una vida media de 6 a 26 horas. Su excreción es de 30% por vía biliar y del 50% por vía renal.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tips to Improving Memory
1. You smoke?
One factor is if you often smoke it is definitely your memory is reduced. Therefore, if you are happy to smoke should be reduced.
2. Because of Wrong Medicine
One use of the drug can also cause our brain cells (practically become forgetful). Especially as children nowadays consume a lot of ecstasy, it is very dangerous to brain cells. Therefore avoid drug misuse.
3. Much Stress
You may have experienced stress, or maybe even your own experience it often? Need to restore our brain due to stress, may occur for many jobs, many think of the things that make dizziness, and other recreational way to where you think is most beautiful.
You should do your life with peace and live with a smile, because smiles are going to open our brains to improve memory.
Tips to Improving Memory :
1. Given Something
Which part of our brains that make sense reminders? Right-brain response. Since the opening of our right brain would be the easier to remember something. Suppose, for example of a landscape painter to remember when recreational activities, and after arriving home with the painter be immediately drew a sharp memory for the right brain has opened to a width and are used with his right brain.
2. Central Brain?
Midbrain? the middle part of the brain is our brain that is rarely used. The opening of the midbrain can you do with your way of counting backwards from 100 odd numbers up to number one to do with your memory as soon as possible, the sooner, the better course of your midbrain.
3. Illustration
Illustrate something that will happen or remembering something that happened since time immemorial, but with this illustration you will remember something that you like best. You have problems with learning? Do learning activities to illustrate these things to improve your brain's memory.
Quick Ways to Eliminate Belly Fat
Each woman has their own problem. Speaking of bodies, one thinks less inflate breasts, feeling her eyes are too slanted, the skin is too dark, and the most frequent complaint is the pile of fat in the abdomen that make it look pregnant when not pregnant.
Abdominal fat was not only affects the appearance of a woman's beauty, but also can cause many diseases, such as the incidence of heartburn, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
However, the good news there is a quick way to eliminate fat in the stomach. Some of them might make you wrinkle your forehead. However, there is nothing wrong to try it ?!
You should be more frequent meals.
Do not be too happy or suspicious first! Eating frequently is accompanied by a reduction in the portion. Eat 5-6 times a day with smaller portions, as this will keep you occupied and not eat too much. In addition, frequent meals is also good for our body's metabolic system.
Do not skip breakfast!
If you are not filling the stomach is empty after hours because the time to sleep last night, then the stomach will get signal 'hungry'. And this is not good for metabolism. If the process smooth and not disturbed, then only a few calories that would burn.
Choose your diet carefully.
Try to eat foods that contain fiber (for fiber both to facilitate the combustion process in the body), such as brown rice, wheat, vegetables, fruit, skim milk, chicken and fat-free meat, seafood, and egg white. Conversely, avoid the consumption of foods 'fat storage' such as pizza, burgers, fried foods, pastries, and sugar.
Eat slowly.
Get used to feed a little food into his mouth and chew slowly. This will prevent you from eating a lot of work and can alleviate digestive ulcers.
Do sports
Walking, jogging, aerobics, and cycling is the best exercise options that can make the stomach so thin. If you exercise before breakfast, then the fat in tubuhlah that will burn, because there is no inclusion of food in the stomach. This is great for streamlining the stomach.
Drink, drink, and drink again!
Keeps your body in a state of hydration is one important thing to wear off the fat in the abdomen. Because if you are dehydrated, then the liver will not work maximally and the combustion process became less effective. Drink plenty of water and green tea can neutralize the effects of fatty foods.
Sleep more.
If you sleep less than 7-8 hours per night, you will find it difficult to excited and energized the next day. Not only affects performance, but also your appetite. The study found that a person who always / often in a state of fatigue tended to have a slow metabolism. So make sure you sleep enough and soundly every night.
Reduce alcohol consumption.
Alcohol affects the liver, because the consumption of alcoholic beverages can slow down the combustion process in the body. At any time if you want to drink or are in the banquet, then choose a glass of red wine, not because of the low-carb, but red wine also contains other positive benefits.
Pick a long road.
Avoid the shortcut! To improve body movement and metabolism of the body, choose a longer path, turning, climbing stairs, etc.
Reduce salt intake.
Resist salt water in the stomach. This makes the stomach look bloated. Junk food is a popular food that is rich in salt. Likewise with salty chips. So, leave it!
Avoid stress.
Stress can increase your weight. Not just because we are so much more plong to eat more, but when the body detects stress, many hormones are released so that the work of metabolism affected. Stress thwart belly downsizing.
Keep the spirit.
Have a pleasant and positive thoughts that keep you excited. Forget the past, especially things that cause grief. Forgive yourself and others. Be thankful for your existence. Enjoy the beauty around you. This positive mental attitude will affect the hormones produced by the body. So, always give positive signals in your body.
High Cholesterol : Recommended Foods and Avoid Foods
What is Cholesterol ?
Cholesterol is a form of fat that is in use by the body to build cells and produce hormones.
Where did Cholesterol ?
Almost all the cholesterol needed by the body in shape in the liver. The rest is getting from certain foods rich in cholesterol, for example: meat, eggs, milk and offal (liver, kidney, brain).
Why is cholesterol harmful ?
If too much cholesterol is brought into the arterial circulation, the blood vessels resulted in increasingly narrow. In the event of the heart arteries, the blood can not carry enough oxygen to the heart. This is called coronary heart disease and can lead to heart attacks.
Whats Is Low Cholesterol Diet ?
- Lowering blood cholesterol levels
- Lose weight if overweight
What is the difference Lower Cholesterol Diet with Normal Food ?
- Use a little fat is limited.
- Most of the fat used in unsaturated type.
- The use of foods containing a lot of cholesterol in the limit.
- If too fat, total calories in the limit.
Preferred Food
- Material on avoiding foods (high cholesterol) :
Fatty meats, organ meats, cheese, eggs, milk, yoghurt, kream, eggs, shellfish, crabs, shrimp, squid, chocolate, butter, coconut oil, margarine, avocados. - Material in limiting food :
Ice cream, cakes / tert, compote, food and beverages a sweet tooth. - Raw foods at recommended :
Fresh fruit, vegetables, skim milk, soy milk, fresh fish, beans, vegetable oil, olive oil, corn.
How do I adjust the Diet ?
- Avoiding the use of coconut, coconut oil, margarine and butter. As a substitute use peanut oil, or corn oil.
- Limit the use of meat up to 3x a week at most 100 grams every time: Eat fish or chicken as a substitute.
- Use skim milk instead of dairy milk.
- Limit egg yolks to three eggs a week.
- Use it as often as may be nuts, tempeh, tofu and legumes results by others.
- Limit use of sugar, syrup, coca-cola, chocolate, tarcis, ice cream etc.. To prevent the increase in weight.
- Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
Diabetes Mellitus Diet: Foods that are recommended and which are not allowed
Purpose of Diet : Diabetes Mellitus
Adjust food with the ability of the body to use it, so help you :
- Lowering blood sugar close to normal
- Reducing sugar in the urine becomes negative
- Achieving a normal weight
- You can conduct their daily work as usual.
Lots of Food Containing Carbohydrate
- Hydrate Charcoal : rice, glutinous rice, rice cake, corn, bread, yams, cassava, taro, sago, vermicelli, noodles, and foods from flour.
- Pure sugars and foods that were using pure sugar, such as : sugar, honey, syrup, lemonade, chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, ice cream, sweets, tarcis, fruit in cans, etc..
Setting a Good Diet
- Follow the diet that doctors have determined. Eat regularly in accordance with the amount and distribution of meals designed by nutritionists with you.
- Use a food exchange list for ease of compiler dish.
- Eat lots of vegetables and fruits enough
- Vegetables should be eaten free group A and B vegetables should be eaten with the regulations.
- All kinds of fruit should be eaten in accordance with the amounts determined unless, durian, avocado, jackfruit, mango, bananas, sapodilla, soursop, Longan, banana mas.
How are Cooking
- Before you eat, the food must be weighed in the mature form. Such as: rice, potatoes, fish, meat and vegetables group B.
- When the disease is controlled, you can eat from the menu of family of origin was measured in accordance with the amount of food.
- Way of cooking can be done like other family members.
- If you want to eat sweet can use saccharin as a sugar substitute, with the provision.
Las personas que experimentan psicosis pueden presentar alucinaciones o delirios y pueden exhibir cambios en su personalidad y pensamiento desorganizado. Estos síntomas pueden ser acompañados por un comportamiento inusual o extraño, así como por dificultad para interactuar socialmente e incapacidad para llevar a cabo actividades de la vida diaria. Una amplia variedad de elementos del sistema nervioso, tanto orgánicos como funcionales, pueden causar una reacción psicótica. Esto ha llevado a la creencia que la psicosis es como la «fiebre» de las enfermedades mentales, un indicador serio pero no específico. Sin embargo, muchas personas tienen experiencias inusuales y de distorsión de la realidad en algún momento de sus vidas, sin volverse discapacitadas o ni siquiera angustiadas por estas experiencias.
El Manual estadístico y diagnóstico de los trastornos mentales, de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Estadounidense reconoce varios tipos de psicosis: esquizofrenia, tipo paranoide de esquizofrenia, tipo desorganizado de esquizofrenia, tipo catatónico de esquizofrenia, tipo indiferenciado de esquizofrenia, etc.
El tratamiento de una psicosis depende del origen que tenga, pero en general en la mayoría de los casos se utilizan medicamentos antipsicóticos, además de diversos apoyos psicosociales y el tratamiento de la enfermedad de base. Existen terapias psicocorporales profundas y muy potentes que pueden mantener a la persona psicótica realizando una vida normal sin tomar medicación y mejorar sus adaptaciones sociales.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Risperidona es un fuerte bloqueador antagonista de la dopamina, por ejemplo, inhibiendo la funcionalidad de los receptores postsinápticos dopaminérgicos. Risperidona actúa también como antagonista del receptor de la serotonina 5-HT2A, y puede ser usado como un bloqueador rápido y eficaz de drogas agonistas de los receptores 5-HT2A, como el LSD.
Efectos colaterales
Los efectos colaterales de la risperidona son: anxiedad, acatisia (intranquilidad), insomnio, aumento de peso, temblores, aumento de la presión sanguínea, etc.
La risperidona tiene una biodisponibilidad del 70% por vía oral. Posee un metabolismo hepático y una vida media de 3 a 20 horas. Su excreción es por vía urinaria.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
La clorpromazina es un neuroléptico descubierto por el francés Paul Charpentier y dado a conocer por otro francés: el Doctor Henri Laborit. Este compuesto sorprendió al ver que actuaba como tranquilizante sin sedar, es decir, manteniendo la conciencia, lo que sugirió la idea de utilizarla con pacientes psiquiátricos. La clorpromazina hizo posible que muchos esquizofrénicos abandonasen los viejos hospitales psiquiátricos, conocidos como manicomio, e hiciesen una vida relativamente normal.
Farmacocinética de la clorpromazina
Posee una biodisponibilidad de entre el 30 y el 50 % por vía oral. Su metabolismo es hepático y la vida media es de 16 a 30 horas. Su excreción es biliar y renal como metabolitos. Este fármaco también puede ingresar en la circulación fetal y en la leche materna.
Efectos colaterales de la clorpromazina
somnolencia, dificultad para dormirse, falta de expresión en el rostro, arrastrar los pies al caminar, distensión de los senos, congestión nasal, etc.
Hypertension: Recommended Foods and Avoid Foods
What Low-Salt Diet?
Low-salt diet is a diet by limiting or avoiding the sodium salt.
Destination Low-Salt Diet :
- Helps eliminate the retention of salt / water in body tissues.
How to Select Food Ingredients :
- Avoid Food Ingredients :
- Food cans
- Tomato Sauce, soy cheese
- The brain, kidneys, ham, bacon, organ meats
- Salted fish, salted eggs
- Foods that are preserved with salt
- Bread, toast, biscuits and cakes krakers
- Abon, beef jerky
- Margarine regular butter
- Cheese peanuts
- Pickles, pickled fruits / vegetables in cans
- Tauco, shrimp paste, MSG, sodakue, baking powder.
The use of table salt is allowed with limits below the normal standard roughly 1 / 4 teaspoon of salt per day. - Food Recommended :
- All ingredients fresh and natural food in though without the sodium salt.
- Rice, potatoes, cassava, wheat, hunkwe, corn sugar, etc.
- All nuts and processed products are in though without salt, such as: tofu, tempeh, green beans, peanuts,
- All vegetables and fresh fruit without preserved
- Butter, margarine, fresh, without salt
- Natural ingredients: ginger, turmeric, laos, etc..
What Should Cooking Method :
Taste of food can be enhanced by using low-sodium seasonings like sugar, cuks, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, salam, laos, etc..
Foods that are steamed, sauteed, baked, fried food better than boiled.
What foods can help lower High Blood Pressure / Hypertension ?
- Tomato juice
- Starfruit juice fruit
- Garlic juice
- Cucumber juice
- Apple juice
- Expand the consumption of fibrous food.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
How to say "I Love You" in 100 Languages

Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M’bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T’estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
English - I love you
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki’
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t’aime, Je t’adore
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S’agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikawa
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i’ ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh’ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te ubesk
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,\,,/ (represents position of
fingers when signing ‘I Love You’)
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu’bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh - ‘Rwy’n dy garu
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe
Source : http://top10-indonesia-dunia.blogspot.com
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El haloperidol está indicado para tratar la esquizofrenia, estados psicóticos agudos, algunos estados de agitación psicomotriz, estados maniacos, estados de pánico y ansiedad. Se usa en el tratamiento de la corea de Huntington.
Efectos colaterales del haloperidol
Al igual que la mayoría de los antipsicóticos, el haloperidol puede presentar frecuentementes efectos colaterales adversos como somnolencia, mareos, y visión borrosa. También tiene otros efectos colaterales que están asociados al bloqueo de los receptores de dopamina. Debido a esto se puede observar con cierta frecuencia trastornos motores como temblor en reposo, similar al Parkinson, y rigidez; esto se conoce como extrapiramidalismo. Presenta además otros efectos motores más tardíos como acatisia, que es la inquietud al permanecer acostado o sentado, y tardodisquinesia, que son movimientos anormales de las manos y la boca.
El haloperidol posee un metabolismo hepático y una biodisponibilidad entre el 60 y el 70%. Su vida media es de entre 12 y 36 horas y su excreción es biliar y renal.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
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How to Care for a Catheter
To care for an indwelling catheter, cleanse the urethral area (where the catheter exits the body) and the catheter itself with soap and water every day. Also thoroughly cleanse the area after all bowel movements to prevent infection.
If you have a suprapubic catheter, the opening in your belly and the tube must be cleansed daily with soap and water, then covered with dry gauze.
Drinking plenty of fluids can help prevent infections. Discuss this issue with your health care provider.
Wash your hands before and after handling the drainage device. Do not allow the outlet valve to touch anything. If the outlet becomes obviously dirty, clean it with soap and water.
Some people have occasional leakage of urine around the catheter. This may be caused by a catheter that is too small, improper balloon size, constipation, urinary tract infections, or bladder spasms.
If bladder spasms occur or there is no urine in the drainage bag, the catheter may be blocked by blood or thick sediment. Or, there may be a kink in the catheter or drainage tubing. Sometimes spasms are caused by the catheter irritating the bladder. Such spasms can be controlled with medication, although most patients eventually adjust to the irritation and the spasms go away. If you have been shown how to irrigate (or flush) the catheter, doing so may help reduce spasms. If you have not been instructed on irrigation, and urine is not flowing into your collection device, contact your health care provider immediately.
Algunos de los síntomas de la esquizofrenia son: alucinaciones auditivas (el paciente escucha voces), paranoia, delirios, ilusiones, conversaciones incoherentes, carencia de empatía (afectividad aplanada), aislamiento de la sociedad, déficit cognitivo etc. Muchos esquizofrénicos perciben que hay un ente oculto en alguna parte que observa y escudriña sus pensamientos y los expone al mundo. La enfermedad puede comenzar en los hombre entre los 17 a 25 años, y en las mujeres entre los 22 a 35 años. Estos datos son estadísticos, y no absolutos. Hay que recordar que cada paciente es un caso aparte. Ciertas experiencias vividas durante la infancia, incluyendo el abuso o traumatismos, también han sido implicadas como factores de riesgo de un diagnóstico de esquizofrenia en la adolescencia o adultez joven. La paternidad o maternidad no puede considerarse responsable de la esquizofrenia de un hijo, pero las relaciones disfuncionales pueden contribuir a incrementar el riesgo de padecer esta enfermedad.
El primer médico en estudiar la enfermedad fue Emil Kraepelin en 1887. Este psiquiatra alemán llamó a esta enfermedad dementia praecox. Sin embargo, el psiquiatra suizo Paul Eugen Bleuler sugirió en 1908 que el nombre era inadecuado, porque el trastorno no era una “demencia”, es decir, no llevaba necesariamente a un deterioro de funciones mentales como en la demencia senil; muchos pacientes sí mejoraban y además, ocasionalmente se presentaba por primera vez en personas maduras. Propuso entonces el nombre con el que se conoce el trastorno hasta hoy. Bleuler sugirió la palabra “esquizofrenia” para referirse a una falta de integración de diversos procesos psíquicos, como percepción, memoria, personalidad y pensamiento lógico. Sugirió también que los síntomas podían dividirse en fundamentales, si estaban presentes en todos los pacientes y durante toda la evolución del trastorno, y accesorios. Los síntomas fundamentales de Bleuler constituyen “las cuatro A”: 1) Asociaciones laxas del pensamiento; 2) Afectividad aplanada; 3) Ambivalencia; 4) Autismo.
Los síntomas accesorios son las ideas delirantes o delirios, alucinaciones, alteraciones del lenguaje y la escritura y los síntomas catatónicos. Hay que notar que aquellos síntomas que llaman más la atención (como los delirios y las alucinaciones) Bleuler los considera “accesorios”. Esa diferencia es adecuada, porque la gravedad del trastorno está vinculada justamente a las características de laxitud asociativa y aplanamiento afectivo y autismo, los síntomas fundamentales de Bleuler.
Clasificación de la esquizofrenia
Si bien históricamente la esquizofrenia en Occidente ha sido clasificada en simple, catatónica, hebefrénica o paranoide, el manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales contiene en la actualidad cinco tipos de esquizofrenia: 1) tipo paranoide, donde predominan los sentimientos de persecución, delirio de grandeza y alucinaciones auditivas delirios—el DSM exige que no haya desorganización en el lenguaje ni afectividad inapropiada o plana; 2) tipo desorganizado o hebefrénica, en la cual predomina el discurso y comportamiento desorganizado sin ningún propósito, así como una afectividad inapropiada o plana; 3) tipo catatónico: con importantes alteraciones psicomotoras tales como la flexibilidad cérea (como muñeco de cera), que puede llegar hasta el estupor catatónico, conllevando a una incapacidad para cuidar de sus necesidades personales; 4) tipo indiferenciado: hay síntomas psicóticos, pero no cumplen criterios para los tipos paranoide, desorganizado ó catatónico; 5) tipo residual, donde los síntomas positivos están presentes tan sólo a baja intensidad.
Monday, May 17, 2010
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Corteza cerebral
Sunday, May 16, 2010
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Saturday, May 15, 2010
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Corteza Insular
Ínsula expuesta en corte transversal del cerebro
Friday, May 14, 2010
First Kiss Tips
For the first experience, the first kiss of the lover it is very difficult to put into words. A pounding heart, flushed cheeks. Embarrassment, emotion, pleasure, a little-bit frightened mixed together. A kiss on the courtship will be able to strengthen the relationship between them.
Sometimes for the women of her department's first kiss awkwardly. To linger in front of the mirror be afraid there is a part missing, or perhaps felt former felt there might be a kiss on the cheek or the lips of his lover that he can grab and save them as memories.
First kiss from a lover can give a deep impression in growing the seeds of love between them. Since this is the first experience and a very sensitive thing you need to be careful in doing so. Make the first kiss to be a good first impression. To get a good impression. try See below :
Give the best impression on the lover before the first kiss.
Embrace your lover with a smile, and try to give hospitality Express it all with a handshake or embrace with your lover. Thus if you want to share the fun of your lover.
Pick the best places to smooch.
Their term of natural panorama in a beautiful place, or could be somewhere else that is expected to create a romantic atmosphere, such as amusement parks, tourist attractions, etc.. Take the opportunity to focus on each other, and let the natural atmosphere together with feelings.
Romantic atmosphere can be an inspiration to try out the desire to love and kisses. Try first with giving a good impression in front of your lover then do ciurnan first. The best way is to slowly and gently. Kiss with heartfelt feelings to show that you love.
Hemisferios cerebrales
Anatomía de los hemisferios cerebrales (video) parte 1
Anatomía de los hemisferio cerebrales (video) parte 2