Aunque sus propiedades antipiréticas y analgésicas era conocida desde la antiguedad a través de la corteza del sauce blanco, el ácido acetilsalicílico fue aislado por primera vez recien en 1897 por el investigador alemán Felix Hoffmann de la empresa Bayer. Pero las propiedades terapéuticas del mismo fueron descriptas por el farmacólogo alemán Heinrich Dreser en 1899. La aspirina actúa inhibiendo a la enzima ciclooxigenasa, anulando la síntesis de la prostaglandina, reduciendo así el dolor y la inflamación.
Portal to the world of medical news and update, where latest information on newest treatment and medicine can be found.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Acido acetilsalicílico
Aunque sus propiedades antipiréticas y analgésicas era conocida desde la antiguedad a través de la corteza del sauce blanco, el ácido acetilsalicílico fue aislado por primera vez recien en 1897 por el investigador alemán Felix Hoffmann de la empresa Bayer. Pero las propiedades terapéuticas del mismo fueron descriptas por el farmacólogo alemán Heinrich Dreser en 1899. La aspirina actúa inhibiendo a la enzima ciclooxigenasa, anulando la síntesis de la prostaglandina, reduciendo así el dolor y la inflamación.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Farmacocinética: el ibuprofeno se absorbe en forma rápida; posee una biodisponibilidad del 49 al 73% y una adherencia a las proteinas del 99%; tiene un metabolismo hepático y una vida media entre 1,8 a 2 horas; su excreción es por vía renal.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Clonixinato de lisina
El clonixinato de lisina es administrado por vía oral: 1 comprimido de 250 mg cada 8 horas en adultos. Efecto colateral: nauseas, vómitos, somnolencia.
Farmacocinética: el clonixinato de lisina se absorbe rápidamente en el tracto gastrointestinal y el efecto antiinflamatorio-analgésico se presenta a los 10 minutos; se distribuye en todos los tejidos del cuerpo; su metabolismo es hepático y se lo excreta por vía renal en la orina.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Acido mefenámico
Friday, September 25, 2009
Farmacocinetica: la fenilbutazona es absorbida rápidamente en el tracto gastrointestinal y una vez en la sangre se une en un 98% a las proteínas plasmáticas; posee un metabolismo hepático y una vida media de hasta tres semanas.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Farmacocinética: el sulindac posee una biodisponibilidad de alrededor del 90% y tiene un metabolismo hepático; su vida media es de 7 a 8 horas y su excreción es renal en un 50%.
Su administración es vía oral. La dosis habitual para adultos es de 150 a 200 mg dos veces al día con las comidas. El sulindac debe ser evitado por personas que sufran de alergias a las aspirinas.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Florida Health Care Insurance Plans: A Brief Overview
Accidents and injuries are closely associated with human life. No one can escape from it, but anyone with effective and careful planning can reduce medical and hospital bills up to a considerable level. Importance of health insurance is not realized till the moment anyone has met with unforeseen and unexpected incidents. However, it is always beneficial to follow pragmatic approach regarding health matters. With Florida health care insurance plans, one can easily get relief from his entire medical and hospital bill's trauma.
Florida health care insurance plans offer some of the best and the most suitable health care insurance plans for an individual, family, students, employees etc. These health plans are design in such a manner that they are able to provide complete protection from various diseases, illness, etc. Some of the well known health care insurance plans of Florida are assorted below-
Florida temporary health care insurance plan- This plan is short-term plan which provides health coverage for a period of one month to one year. People who are below 65 years of age can avail this plan irrespective of their health conditions. This health care plan of Florida is the best for office employees and students and can be availed at cost-effective prices.
Florida Individual Health care insurance plan- Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and a Point of Service (POS) are some of the most popular and least expensive individual health care insurance plans of Florida. These are managed health care plans and provide coverage from hospital expenses, doctor's bill etc.
Florida health care insurance plan for small business- In Florida, this plan be availed by those companies who fall under the category of small business. Any business involving minimum 2 and maximum 50 full time employees and its employees put at least 30 hours per week at work is advised to get this insurance if not covered by any other insurance. However, minimum75% of employees should participate in a group insurance plan is a requisite condition for availing this insurance policy.
However, with the availability of numerous insurance companies, service providers and local agents, availing the best health care insurance plans in Florida can never be a daunting task. By searching over the internet, you can come across numerous websites that are online providing low cost and affordable Florida health care insurance plans.
About the Author is an emerging Nationwide Insurance Agency based in Houston and Texas which provides Florida Health Care Insurance Plans to the customers. We intend to provide the most affordable Family Healthcare Plans Florida and other insurance plans with all information.(ArticlesBase SC #783543)
Article Source: - Florida Health Care Insurance Plans: A Brief OverviewCiclooxigenasa
La ciclooxigenasa convierte al ácido araquidónico en prostaglandina H2, el cual es el precursor de la serie-2 de prostanoides. La enzima contiene dos sitios activos: un hemo con actividad peroxidasa, responsable de la reducción PGG2 a PGH2, y un sitio ciclooxigenasa, donde el ácido araquidónico es convertido a protaglandia G2 endoperoxida.
Hay dos tipos de ciclooxigenasa: la ciclooxigenasa-1 (COX-1) y la ciclooxigenasa-2 (COX-2), las cuales poseen alrededor de 600 aminoácidos cada una. La función de la COX-1 es la de regular la proliferación de las células normales o neoplásticamente transformadas. La COX-1 está presente en todos los tejidos especialmente en el riñón y el tubo gastrointestinal y participa en la producción de prostaglandinas que intervienen en procesos fisiológicos tales como: protección del epitelio gástrico, mantenimiento del flujo renal, la agregación plaquetaria. La función de la COX-2 es la de mediar en los procesos de inflamación y en la señalización por prostanoides.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
El aceclofenac es un derivado arilo del ácido acético, el cual está relacionado estructuralmente con el diclofenac y tiene una vida media intermedia. El uso de aceclofenac no ha sido estudiado adecuadamente en niños. El aceclofenac no debe ser administrado en mujeres que estén lactando. El aceclofenac posee una mejor tolerancia gastrointestinal que otros AINE, incluyendo el diclofenac. Se lo adminstra en forma tópica, oral y parenteral.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Los oxicanes tienen un metabolismo hepático y se los excreta entre un 5 y un 10% a través de la orina. Pertenecen al grupo de los oxicanes el piroxicam, tenoxicam, droxicam, meloxicam, y lornoxicam.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
El diclofenac inhibe los funciones de la lipooxigenasa y reduce la formación de leucotrienos, que son sustancias inflamatorias. El diclofenac también inhibe la producción de la enzima fosfolipasa A2 en su mecanismo de acción. Esto explica su alta efectividad. Se cree que su mecanismo primario, responsable de su acción antiinflamatoria y analgésica, es la prevención de la síntesis de prostaglandinas causada por la inhibición de la enzima ciclooxigenasa.
Farmacocinética: el diclofenac posse una biodisponibilidad del 100% y un metabolismo hepático sin metabolitos activos; la absorción gastrointestinal del Diclofenac es completa y rápida; es excretado por vía biliar y renal; enpacientes con insuficiencia renal el fármaco puede presentar acumulación sin significación clínica.
El diclofenac está contraindicado en pacientes con antecedentes de crisis asmáticas, urticaria u otras reacciones alérgicas con la administración de aspirina u otros AINE.
Monday, September 14, 2009
La inflamación crónica es la inflamación prolongada en el tiempo y la cual lleva a un cambio progresivo en el tipo de células presentes en el sitio de la inflamación, y se caracteriza por la simultaneidad de la destrucción del tejido inflamado y la renovación y sanación del mismo.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Nefrosis lipoidea
Durante la nefrosis lipoidea hay disminución de las proteinas del suero sanguíneo, con inversión de la relación normal entre albúminas y globulinas. También se observa un aumento de la colesterina sanguínea. Hay ausencia de algunos caracteres de la nefritis, como por ejemplo no se hallan glóbulos rojos en la orina, ni tampoco hay aumento de la urea en la sangre, y la capacidad renal está conservada. La nefrosis lipoidea suele ser una enfermedad crónica pero puede curarse. A veces la muerte puede producirse por infecciones intercurrentes, es decir aparecidas en el curso de la enfermedad. Se recomienda reposo en cama y evitar las infecciones, como así también suprimir la sal y dar abundante proteinas para reponer la pérdida de albúmina.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Nefroptosis de riñón móvil se llama cuando el riñón se halla más abajo de lo normal y es palpable siempre en toda su extensión, o la mayor parte de ella. Cuando el desplazamiento del riñón es muy acentuado y su dirección es hacia la parte lateral e inferior del abdomen, o hacia la parte media del cuerpo, recibe el nombre de riñón flotante.
La nefroptosis es mucho más frecuente en la mujer, en el lado derecho, y en las personas delgadas, en las cuales pueden asociarse a un descenso de todas las vísceras del abdomen. Predisponen también el enflaquecimiento y la debilidad de los músculos abdominales, como la que aparece en ciertos casos después del parto. Si el riñón está por cualquier razón más grande y pesado de lo normal, desciende más fácilmente.
La mayor parte de las veces la nefroptosis no produce síntoma alguno ni tendrá ninguna concecuencia para el paciente. Además no siempre los síntomas nerviosos o de estómago e instestino que puede presentar la paciente, se deben a su riñón móvil.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
La perinefritis produce dolor a nivel del riñón y a veces en la parte correspondiente del abdomen, como así también fiebre pronunciada con sudores, a veces escalofríos y debilitamiento progresivo. El médico puede sentir una masa inmóvil en la zona afectada. Cuando la perinefritis apenas se inicia puede bastar para curar los antibióticos. Cuando hay mucho pus, es necesario además hacerlo salir por medio de una incisión.
NANDA-Approved Nursing Diagnoses 2007–2008
Source: NANDA Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 2007–2008. Philadelphia: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. Used with permission.
Activity Intolerance
Activity Intolerance,
Risk for Airway Clearance,
Ineffective Anxiety
Anxiety, Death
Aspiration, Risk for
Attachment, Parent/Infant/Child, Risk for Impaired
Autonomic Dysreflexia Autonomic Dysreflexia, Risk for Blood Glucose, Risk for Unstable Body Image, Disturbed
Body Temperature: Imbalanced, Risk for
Bowel Incontinence Breastfeeding, Effective Breastfeeding, Ineffective Breastfeeding, Interrupted Breathing Pattern, Ineffective Cardiac Output, Decreased Caregiver Role Strain Caregiver Role Strain, Risk for
Comfort, Readiness for Enhanced Communication: Impaired, Verbal Communication, Readiness for Enhanced Confusion, Acute
Confusion, Acute, Risk for Confusion, Chronic Constipation
Constipation, Perceived Constipation, Risk for Contamination Contamination, Risk for
Coping: Community, Ineffective
Coping: Community, Readiness for Enhanced
Coping, Defensive
Coping: Family, Compromised
Coping: Family, Disabled
Coping: Family, Readiness for Enhanced Coping (Individual), Readiness for Enhanced Coping, Ineffective
Decisional Conflict
Decision Making, Readiness for Enhanced
Denial, Ineffective
Dentition, Impaired Development: Delayed, Risk for Diarrhea
Disuse Syndrome, Risk for Diversional Activity, Deficient Energy Field, Disturbed
Environmental Interpretation Syndrome, Impaired
Failure to Thrive, Adult
Falls, Risk for
Family Processes, Dysfunctional: Alcoholism
Family Processes, Interrupted
Family Processes, Readiness for Enhanced
Fluid Balance, Readiness for Enhanced
Fluid Volume, Deficient
Fluid Volume, Deficient, Risk for
Fluid Volume, Excess
Fluid Volume, Imbalanced, Risk for
Gas Exchange, Impaired
Grieving, Complicated
Grieving, Risk for Complicated Growth, Disproportionate, Risk for Growth and Development, Delayed Health Behavior, Risk-Prone
Health Maintenance, Ineffective Health-Seeking Behaviors (Specify) Home Maintenance, Impaired
Hope, Readiness for Enhanced
Human Dignity, Risk for Compromised
Immunization Status, Readiness for Enhanced
Infant Behavior, Disorganized
Infant Behavior: Disorganized, Risk for
Infant Behavior: Organized, Readiness for
Infant Feeding Pattern, Ineffective
Infection, Risk for Injury, Risk for Insomnia
Intracranial Adaptive Capacity, Decreased
Knowledge, Deficient (Specify)
Knowledge (Specify), Readiness for Enhanced
Latex Allergy Response
Latex Allergy Response, Risk for Liver Function, Impaired, Risk for Loneliness, Risk for
Memory, Impaired
Mobility: Bed, Impaired Mobility: Physical, Impaired Mobility: Wheelchair, Impaired Moral Distress
Neurovascular Dysfunction: Peripheral, Risk for
Noncompliance (Specify)
Nutrition, Imbalanced: Less than Body
Nutrition, Imbalanced: More than Body Requirements
Nutrition, Imbalanced: More than Body
Requirements, Risk for Nutrition, Readiness for Enhanced Oral Mucous Membrane, Impaired Pain, Acute
Pain, Chronic
Parenting, Impaired
Parenting, Readiness for Enhanced Parenting, Risk for Impaired Perioperative Positioning Injury, Risk for Personal Identity, Disturbed
Poisoning, Risk for
Post-Trauma Syndrome
Post-Trauma Syndrome, Risk for
Power, Readiness for Enhanced
Powerlessness Powerlessness, Risk for Protection, Ineffective Rape-Trauma Syndrome
Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Compound Reaction Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Silent Reaction Religiosity, Impaired
Religiosity, Readiness for Enhanced Religiosity, Risk for Impaired Relocation Stress Syndrome Relocation Stress Syndrome, Risk for Role Conflict, Parental
Role Performance, Ineffective
Sedentary Lifestyle
Self-Care, Readiness for Enhanced Self-Care Deficit: Bathing/Hygiene Self-Care Deficit: Dressing/Grooming Self-Care Deficit: Feeding
Self-Care Deficit: Toileting
Self-Concept, Readiness for Enhanced
Self-Esteem, Chronic Low
Self-Esteem, Situational Low
Self-Esteem, Risk for Situational Low
Self-Mutilation, Risk for
Sensory Perception, Disturbed (Specify: Auditory, Gustatory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory Tactile, Visual)
Sexual Dysfunction Sexuality Pattern, Ineffective Skin Integrity, Impaired
Skin Integrity, Risk for Impaired
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep, Readiness for Enhanced Social Interaction, Impaired Social Isolation
Sorrow, Chronic
Spiritual Distress
Spiritual Distress, Risk for
Spiritual Well-Being, Readiness for Enhanced
Spontaneous Ventilation, Impaired
Stress, Overload
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Risk for
Suffocation, Risk for
Suicide, Risk for
Surgical Recovery, Delayed
Swallowing, Impaired
Therapeutic Regimen Management: Community, Ineffective
Therapeutic Regimen Management, Effective
Therapeutic Regimen Management: Family, Ineffective
Therapeutic Regimen Management, Ineffective
Therapeutic Regimen Management, Readiness for
Enhanced Thermoregulation, Ineffective Thought Processes, Disturbed Tissue Integrity, Impaired
Tissue Perfusion, Ineffective (Specify: Cerebral, Cardiopulmonary, Gastrointestinal, Renal)
Tissue Perfusion, Ineffective, Peripheral
Transfer Ability, Impaired Trauma, Risk for Unilateral Neglect
Urinary Elimination, Impaired
Urinary Elimination, Readiness for Enhanced
Urinary Incontinence, Functional
Urinary Incontinence, Overflow Urinary Incontinence, Reflex Urinary Incontinence, Stress Urinary Incontinence, Total Urinary Incontinence, Urge
Urinary Incontinence, Risk for Urge
Urinary Retention
Ventilatory Weaning Response, Dysfunctional
Violence: Other-Directed, Risk for Violence: Self-Directed, Risk for Walking, Impaired
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Indice de filtración glomerular
El índice de filtración glomerular puede ser calculado midiendo cualquier sustancia química que tiene un nivel constante en la sangre y que es libremente filtrada y no reabsorvida ni tampoco secretada por los riñónes. Generalmente la sustancia química medida es la creatinina, la cual es el desecho formado por la descomposición normal de las células musculares.
La creatinina es eliminada por los riñones y la vierten en la orina. El índice medido es la cantidad de sustancia en la orina que se calcularon desde un volumen calculable de sangre. El índice de filtración glomerular se expresa en volumen X tiempo (mililitros/minuto). Es una medida que muestra que tan bien los riñones están filtrando los desechos de la sangre. A medida que se envejece el índice de filtración glomerular disminuye, pero también el índice es bajo cuando los riñones no están funcionando bien.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
La hidronefrosis puede variar desde una muy ligera, que solamente puede comprobarse con rayos X, hasta casos extremos en que el riñón se transforma en un enorme saco, de paredes delgadas, y que contiene varios litros de orina. A veces la hidronefrosis puede no mostrar síntoma alguno, pero otras veces, cuando el obstáculo es intermitente, pueden aparecer crisis de dolor, con aumento del tamaño del riñón afectado. En algunos casos el paciente se queja de dolor en el riñón o en los lados del abdomen. Por medio de los rayos x pueden obtenerse datos útiles acerca del grado de la hidronefrosis y de su causa. El especialista en vías urinarias trata la causa una vez descubierta. A veces el riñón muy dilatado y con pérdida de su función es extirpado.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Pelvis renal
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Insuficiencia renal
La insuficiencia renal aguda se caracteriza por una pérdida de función renal rápida y progresiva con una merma considerable de la producción de orina (oliguria). La insuficiencia renal crónica se desarrolla lentamente con pocos síntomas al comienzo y por lo general es una consecuencia de otra enfermedad que afecta a los riñones como la diabetes mellitus o hipertensión arterial. En ambos casos se debe restringir el consumo de sal, fosfatos, y proteinas.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Orinar ayuda a eliminar las bacterias de la uretra y de la vejiga. Por eso se recomienda, aparte de visitar al médico y tomar los antibióticos prescriptos, beber abundante agua. También se puede hacer infusiones de Malva (Malva Sylvestris), la cual es una hierba que contiene propiedades anti-inflamatorias, y beber en forma abundante. La mujer está más expuesta a la cistitis debido a que su uretra es la tercera parte la longuitud de la uretra del hombre, y por lo tanto el camino que tienen para recorrer las bacterias hacia la vejiga es mucho más corto.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Necrosis tubular aguda
La necrosis tubular aguda puede clasificarse en tóxica o isquémica. La tóxica es causada cuando las células de los túbulos renales son expuestos a sustancias tóxicas (nefrotóxicas). En cambio la necrosis tubular aguda isquémica ocurre cuando las células no reciben suficiente cantidad de oxígeno, lo cual es una condición a la cual las células tubulares son altamente sensibles debido a su muy alto metabolismo.
La necrosis tubular aguda tóxica puede ser causada por medicamentos o drogas citostáticas, o por intoxicación (picadura o mordedura de arágnidos u ofidios con venenos citotóxicos que ingresen en el torrente sanguíneo: ejemplo Loxosceles Laeta). En cambio la necrosis tubular aguda isquémica puede ser provocada cuando los riñones no son lo suficientemente colmados por período largo de tiempo debido a una estenosis de la arteria renal o embolismo de la misma, por ejemplo.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
For more info please visit XTRA INFO-Health Articles
Universities usually offer students some type special health insurance benefits that are slightly less expensive and more appropriate for a young, healthy student's needs than more expensive commercial insurance plans. Many student work while in school and also may be able to get insurance though their employer for a reduced group rate that will cover more for their money. But for the student who does not work or live at home, insurance options can be tough. If the student has no qualifying dependents, they may not be able to qualify for public assisted health benefits. They would have to rely on the school's health plan or go to a local clinic that pro-rates the cost of care. If you are an international student, you must have complete medical coverage before attending the college of your choice.
The student benefits cover basic health insurance for all students enrolled in 11.5 credit hours per semester automatically. If you have less than 11.5, you will have to purchase the plan for a small fee. Graduate students and teaching assistants get a different type or health insurance package from the school. They have the option of having their health care benefits through an HMO or through a comprehensive type group such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield. With the HMO plan you will pay a monthly fee from your paycheck or a yearly cost that will part of your tuition. That will allow you to receive care at a low fee co-pay option. It also gives you the ability to have extra coverage in case of emergencies or referral to specialists. With the comprehensive plan, you will go to a pre-approved doctor, pay him or her, and then submit your bill or receipt of payment to the insurance company for reimbursement. You will need to take to your particular school to see what benefits are available, who is eligible, and at what cost.
All eligible students are covered by the basic student plan, but many are still either on their parent's policy, have work related insurance, or are on a spouses plan. The basic plan is additional coverage beyond any other insurance you have. This means that if you have other health insurance coverage you submit medical bills to those companies first for payment. The Student Health Service strongly recommends having additional insurance in the event of a major illness or injury. The basic coverage doesn't cover emergency or hospital treatments, nor does it allow you to see any doctor off campus in most cases. Students having basic insurance are entitled to receive their health care at the student health centers on campus only. So any other medical need will come out of the students pocket. The coverage of a student health plan begins on the first day of the semester you are enrolled and ends the day the semester closes. During school and semester breaks, with the exception of scheduled school vacations, you will not be covered until the next semester begins. Depending on your individual school, the dates can vary.
The maximum benefit coverage for the basic student health plan is for expenses incurred due to injury as long as treatment was received with in 90 days up to $5000 per injury. The maximum benefit coverage for sickness is $5,000, provided that treatment is received within 12 months from the date of the first treatment for the sickness. If you need to go to the hospital most basic plans will cover up to $5000 for your treatment and stay. Anything accrued above and beyond, including out patient treatments after discharge will be your sole responsibility. The maximum per illness or injury is $5000 no matter what type of treatment and how long you need it for. This is why it is very much recommended to have some alternative form of insurance such as short-term if a regular policy is too expensive. Most universities also offer two major medical plans for student who would like more coverage than the basic plan in case of serious illness or injury that exceeds the $5000 cap. You can choose between a $50,000 or $100,000 maximum benefit for a cost that will be included in your tuition each year. Once you have exceeded the $5000 cap you will be responsible for a deductible of some kind, usually $250-$500. After that the major health plan will pick up 80% of the medical bills till the cap is met or you are done treatment, which ever happens first.
About the Author
XTRA INFO(ArticlesBase SC #796009)
Article Source: - My-Health-Insurance-InfoCorteza renal
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Health Insurance Info
Our website provide a few information and advice on the topics of Health and Medical Insurance.
We hope you enjoy our range of informative of the Health and Medical Insuranc articles, topics and latest news. Whether you are doing specific research on this subject, or looking for content for your ezine or websites, you have come to the right place.
1. Five Tips to Trim your Medical Expenses and Save
With the rising cost of healthcare, medications, and insurance, it isn’t surprising that people are trying to figure out ways to avoid getting sick and choosing a better lifestyle to lower insurance costs. There is actually quite a bit one can do to help save same cash. It is just a matter of tweaking ones lifestyle choices and preventing health issues from arising or keeping the immune system up so you just don’t get as sick as much. For those people who are seriously sick of high medical premiums and paying out the nose year round for doctor’s visits and medications, this should be a great thing. Small things make a world of difference when it comes to your health.
a) Stop smoking is the biggest one. Not only do you get sicker than the average person, it is worse. Many smokers are treated for several bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia each year. Smoking also makes you susceptible to colds and other infection. You will also pay a higher premium on your insurance and in some cases won’t get covered in full for cigarette related illnesses or diseases. Plus the money you save from quitting can go to bigger and better things than your medical issues.
2. How to Get a Group Health Insurance Rate as an Individual
Most individuals can get really good group rates through their employers. As long as your place of business has more than 50 employees and actually offers a medical plan, you should get a pretty good deal. The overall cost is based on how many of the employees actually have the insurance plan. The more people who are signed up, the cheaper the plan will be. Most people will choose this over going with a private plan any day because it is so much more cost friendly. That is one of the first things you should be looking for when seeking a job, whether or not they offer insurance benefits or not. At your interview ask to see their healthcare providers plan and rates. If they will let you take it home. This way you can see if the plan offers what you want and at a price you can afford. There are some private insurance companies that have reduced individual rates that are comparable to group ones.
3. Five Ways to Cut your Health Insurance Costs
Nearly one-third of all health-insurance premiums increased to 30 percent or more. At that rate, the average cost of health insurance per employee will exceed $3,000. Seventy-three percent of senior executives believe health-care costs will continue to increase 20 percent or more each year for the next three years. The message here is clear: If you haven't already gotten serious about cutting your company's health-insurance costs, now is the time. It can be done. The first thing you should do is learn how the system works--or doesn't work. Most small employers spend fewer than four hours a year thinking about their company health plans. Learn what your options are. Your insurance agent can help you shop for cheaper plans. But don't stop there. Compare plan benefits, insurance-company records, and service guarantees.
About the Author
XTRA INFO(ArticlesBase SC #503654)
Article Source: - Health Insurance InfoPielonefritis
La pielonefritis puede ser aguda o crónica. La pielonefritis aguda y no complicada es un desarrollo súbito de inflamación renal; La pielonefritis aguda ocurre como resultado de una infección de orina común como cistitis. La pielonefritis crónica es una infección prolongada que no desaparece, y las complicaciones suelen ser la sepsis o infección diseminada por todo el cuerpo, y incapacidad del riñón para fabricar orina.