Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sports, Main Lock Waist Pain Medicine

Do not rush medication if the pain started to hit your body, especially at the waist. The medicine is not just the only savior to overcome pain. Could be, sports spur dynamic body movement is the best therapy.

dr. KRT. Lucas Meliala, SpKJ, SpS (K) reveals that to the Persian Data Center on the sidelines of a new paradigm symposium organized Pain Management Hospital Center for Air Force (RSPAU) Halim Perdanakusuma in Jakarta last weekend.

Meliala revealed, almost 90% of pain that occurs in the human body, especially the waist under conditions triggered by the use or lack of motion. Lack of movement can trigger muscle stiffness so that when the body is conditioned to lift heavy objects or move around, the pain arises.

"Therefore, unnecessary drugs, drugs terutam drunk. If you want to use ointment or patch it. Take care, chemical drugs can affect it negatively. Instead, just rest your body. Look for the development, if the pain is relatively mild unnecessary drugs whatever. It's just a sign, in the future must be more diligent you are moving to train your muscles, "said Meliala.

Meliala asserted, the best key to dealing with pain is exercise. However, be careful too, too much body movement or over-use can also backfire.

In addition, said Meliala, position your body as well as right and just in time to lift the load, especially heavy burden. "Do not indiscriminate lift up. Position your body properly with the burden that will be appointed. If you can, do not use just one hand, use two hands to share the load evenly across the body," said Meliala. (IIS)

Translated from the source : PdPersi

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