Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sex Addiction When Sleeping Beauty

Almelo, Bella Floor, a 32-year-old woman suffering from a strange disease addicted to sex when she was sleeping soundly. Bella always had sexual intercourse while asleep and not able to remember what happened when awake.

Behavior scared his girlfriend who was always embarrassed when he slept the night with him. Her boyfriend, Justin (47 years) is a construction worker, who can not accept the treatment of sex Bella, Bella own without knowing what he had done. Justin was finally broken up with Bella.

Bella women from Almelo, Netherlands was writing experience in a site which tells how 6 years ago not a single doctor who could diagnose his behavior.

Bella was later sentenced to suffer seksomnia or Sexual Behavior in Sleep (SBS) is having sex in a sleeping condition.

Some people who suffer from SBS had even entered the stage of addiction. And for his partner, it is very annoying, embarrassing and can lead to serious problems.

As reported by FOXNews, Thursday (10/12/2009), Bella initially suspected she could not control his behavior, but it did almost every night which makes his girlfriend very angry.

Bella had gone gone to many doctors and psychologists that they generally can not do anything because it had never heard of a case like this.

The doctor only offered drugs, in addition to hypnotherapy, sex and consultation brain scan to stop the disease's seksomnia.

According to Bella, the drugs are given only help temporarily, but he claims his life would not depend on these drugs.

In the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-2), SBS categorized as a new sleeping sickness by practitioners sleeping medication and requires special diagnosis.

A person suffering from SBS usually know the habits of the couple's bed. Sometimes many of those who do not believe that this habit could happen to him.

This is usually the base of the conflict in the couple because the patient does not receive and feel ashamed to admit or accept this fact. Until now there has been no effective medicine that can cure this disease.

Analgésicos Opiáceos

Los analgésicos opiáceos son medicamentos que calman el dolor actuando a nivel del sistema nervioso central. Algunos de ellos, como la morfina son derivados del opio; otros opiáceos son semisintéticos y sintéticos. Los analgésicos opiáceos son un grupo de fármacos que poseen gran actividad analgésica, mediada por la activación de receptores específicos en el sistema nervioso central y periférico, que son derivados naturales del opio, o bien derivados semisintéticos o análogos sintéticos con muchas características en común.

Los medicamentos opiáceos incluyen la morfina, la codeína (metilmorfina), el fentanilo, el tramadol, buprenorfina, papaverina, oxicodona (OxyContin), propoxifeno (Darvon), hidrocodona (Vicodin), oximorfona, nalbufina, naloxona, tebaina, benzodiazepina, etc. La morfina se utiliza a menudo como analgésico para aliviar el dolor intenso tras la cirugía o el dolor oncológico intenso. La codeína, por ser menos eficaz que la morfina, se utiliza para dolores menos agudos. El analgésico opiáceo más poderoso es el fentanilo. Todos los medicamentos opiáceos crean en mayor o menor medida adicción.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sports, Main Lock Waist Pain Medicine

Do not rush medication if the pain started to hit your body, especially at the waist. The medicine is not just the only savior to overcome pain. Could be, sports spur dynamic body movement is the best therapy.

dr. KRT. Lucas Meliala, SpKJ, SpS (K) reveals that to the Persian Data Center on the sidelines of a new paradigm symposium organized Pain Management Hospital Center for Air Force (RSPAU) Halim Perdanakusuma in Jakarta last weekend.

Meliala revealed, almost 90% of pain that occurs in the human body, especially the waist under conditions triggered by the use or lack of motion. Lack of movement can trigger muscle stiffness so that when the body is conditioned to lift heavy objects or move around, the pain arises.

"Therefore, unnecessary drugs, drugs terutam drunk. If you want to use ointment or patch it. Take care, chemical drugs can affect it negatively. Instead, just rest your body. Look for the development, if the pain is relatively mild unnecessary drugs whatever. It's just a sign, in the future must be more diligent you are moving to train your muscles, "said Meliala.

Meliala asserted, the best key to dealing with pain is exercise. However, be careful too, too much body movement or over-use can also backfire.

In addition, said Meliala, position your body as well as right and just in time to lift the load, especially heavy burden. "Do not indiscriminate lift up. Position your body properly with the burden that will be appointed. If you can, do not use just one hand, use two hands to share the load evenly across the body," said Meliala. (IIS)

Translated from the source : PdPersi

Nursing Care Plan Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms including protein in the urine (more than 3.5 grams per day), low blood protein levels, high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels, and swelling.


Nephrotic syndrome is caused by various disorders that damage the kidneys, particularly the basement membrane of the glomerulus. This immediately causes abnormal excretion of protein in the urine.

The most common cause in children is minimal change disease, while membranous glomerulonephritis is the most common cause in adults.

This condition can also occur as a result of infection (such as strep throat, hepatitis, or mononucleosis), use of certain drugs, cancer, genetic disorders, immune disorders, or diseases that affect multiple body systems including diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple myeloma, and amyloidosis.

It can accompany kidney disorders such as glomerulonephritis, focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, and mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis.

Nephrotic syndrome can affect all age groups. In children, it is most common from age 2 to 6. This disorder occurs slightly more often in males than females.

  1. Perform physical examination including assessment of the extent of edema.

  2. Get your medical history carefully, particularly those associated with weight gain this time, renal dysfunction.

  3. Observation of the manifestation of nephrotic syndrome :
    • Weight gain
    • Edema
    • Face puffy :
      • Especially around the eyes
      • Arising in the morning when you wake up
      • Reduced daytime
    • Swelling of the abdomen (ascites)
    • Difficulty breathing (pleural effusion)
    • Swelling labial (scrotal)
    • Intestinal mucosal edema that causes :
      • Diarrhea
      • Anorexia
      • Intestinal absorption of poorly
    • Pale skin extreme (often)
    • Be sensitive excitatory
    • Easily tired
    • Lethargy
    • Blood pressure is normal or slightly decreased
    • Susceptibility to infection
    • Change the urine :
      • Decrease the volume
      • Dark
      • Smelly fruit
      • Help with diagnostic and testing procedures, such as urine analysis will be a protein, cylinders and red blood cells; analysis of blood for serum proteins (total, ratio of albumin / globulin, cholesterol), the number of red blood, serum sodium.

Nursing Diagnosis

Excess fluid volume (total body) associated with the accumulation of fluid in the network and the third space.


The patient showed no evidence of accumulation of fluid (patients receive the appropriate volume of liquid)

  • Review input relative to output accurately.
    Rational : need to determine kidney function, fluid replacement needs and reducing the risk of excess fluid.

  • Weigh weight per day (or more often if indicated).
    Rational : assess fluid retention

  • Review the change of edema: abdominal circumference measured at the umbilicus and Receptions edema around the eyes.
    Rational : to assess because of ascites and edema are common side.

  • Set the input fluid carefully.
    Rational : that does not get more than the amount needed

  • Monitor the intra-venous infusion
    Rational : to maintain the prescribed input

  • Provide appropriate provisions corticosteroids.
    Rational : to reduce the excretion of proteinuria

  • Give diuretic if instructed.
    Rational : to provide temporary disappearance of the edema.

Source :


La morfina es un poderoso analgésico opiáceo y psicotrópico. Es un opioide prototipo y en medicina clínica está considerada como el analgésico standard para tratar dolores intensos, actuando a nivel del sistema nervioso central. Sin embargo, la morfina crea adicción con un alto grado de dependencia psíquica y física.
La morfina es un alcaloide fenantreno del opio, siendo preparado el sulfato por neutralización con ácido sulfúrico. La morfina es un agonista opiáceo utilizado en premedicación, anestesia, analgesia, tratamiento del dolor asociado a la isquemia miocárdica y para la disnea asociada al fracaso ventricular izquierdo agudo y edema pulmonar. La morfina es un polvo blanco, cristalino, inodoro y soluble en agua.

Su estructura molecular es C17H19NO3 y su nomenclatura IUPAC es (5a, 6a)-Didehidro-4,5-epoxi-17-metilmorfinan-3,6-diol. Se administra en forma sulfatada, con una solubilidad de 60 mg/mL siendo su estructura (C17H19NO3)2 H2SO4 5H20.

La morfina fue administrada primero por vía estomacal, luego levantando la dermis y depositando la dosis necesaria. Finalmente adquirió gran notoriedad gracias a la invención de la jeringa de Prava y sobre todo a su utilización masiva por parte de los militares durante la guerra de 1907. A partir de 1951 fue posible la síntesis química y de derivados morfínicos.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nursing Care Plan Asthma Bronchiale

Asthma Bronchiale


Asthma bronchiale (or simply Asthma) is a common disease that makes it hard for people to breathe. Attacks happen when the tubes that go to the lungs get irritated. They then become tight and inflamed. This makes the tubes thinner than it should be, which makes it harder to get air into the lungs. This is called an "asthma attack". Sometimes attention from the hospital is needed. When a person is having an asthma attack usually they will wheeze, breathe more frequently, and sometimes cough. Asthma attacks can be caused by many things like exercise, cold air, allergies, and inhaling certain chemicals.

Asthma attacks are most commonly caused by the airways reacting to so-triggers. Many people show allergic reactions to things like aspirin or the hair of certain pets. A good thing to do to reduce the risk and level of the asthma attack is to identify those triggers and remove them from the environment of the person suffering from asthma.

Some asthma attacks can be dangerous. The worst-case scenario, known as status asthmaticus, can be life-threatening.

Asthma can be controlled most often by avoiding contact with triggers and by using certain drugs.

Hospitals have other options they can use in an emergency when the usual treatment fails:

* Oxygen
* Certain drugs that act like an asthma spray, but are much stronger
* Certain drugs that can be given intravenously
* Steroids
* Breathing aids (including tubes, and valves in very severe cases)

Source :

  1. Past medical history :
    • Review personal or family history of previous lung disease.
    • Review a history of allergic reaction or sensitivity to substances / environmental factors.
    • Review the patient's employment history.

  2. Activities
    • The inability to perform activities because of difficulty breathing.
    • The decline in the ability / improvement needs help doing daily activities.
    • Sleep in a high sitting position.

  3. Respiratory
    • Dipsnea at rest or in response to activity or exercise.
    • Breath worsened when the patient lies on her back in bed.
    • Using drugs to help breathing, for example: raising the shoulders, widen the nose.
    • The existence of wheezing breath sounds.
    • The recurrent coughing.

  4. Circulation
    • The increase in blood pressure.
    • The increase in the frequency of heart.
    • The color of skin or mucous membranes normal / gray / cyanosis.
    • Redness or sweating.

  5. Ego integrity
  6. Nutrition
    • The inability to eat due to respiratory distress.
    • Weight loss due to anorexia.

  7. Sosial Relations
    • The limited physical mobility.
    • It's hard to talk or stammering.
    • The existence of dependence on others.

  8. Sexuality
    • The decrease libido.

Nursing Care Plan Patients Bronchial Asthma

Ineffective breathing pattern associated with a reduction in lung expansion.

The pattern of breath again effective.

Results Criteria :
  • Effective breathing pattern
  • The sound of normal breathing or clean
  • Vital sign in the normal range
  • Cough decreased
  • Expansion of the lungs inflate.

Intervention :
  • Review of respiratory depth and frequency of chest expansion. Note the respiratory effort, including the use of respiratory muscle aids / nasal dilation.
  • Auscultation of breath sounds and record the sound as crekels breath, wheezing.
  • Elevate the head and help change the position.
  • Observation of the pattern and character of cough secretions.
  • Encourage / assist the patient in breathing and coughing exercises.

Source :


La codeína, también conocida como metilmorfina, es un alcaloide que se encuentra de forma natural en el opio. Puede presentarse bien en forma de cristales inodoros e incoloros, o bien como un polvo cristalino blanco. El origen de su nombre es de la raíz griega que significa "cabeza de adormidera".

La codeína es un compuesto que se metaboliza en hígado dando morfina, pero dada la baja velocidad de transformación hace que sea menos efectiva, lo que conlleva que su efecto terapéutico sea mucho menos potente y con pequeños efectos sedantes. Se toma bien en forma de comprimidos, como jarabe para aliviar la tos, o por vía inyectada.

La codeína es útil para aliviar dolores moderados y tiene mucho menor riesgo que la morfina de provocar dependencia o efectos tóxicos. Si se instaura la adicción, mediante el uso prolongado de altas dosis, el síndrome de abstinencia resultante es menos severo. Además posee un sabor extremadamente amargo, por lo que de ninguna manera es agradable al ingerirla. La codeína posee un excelente efecto analgesico.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tips Brighten Face

There are many ways to brighten the skin. Some of the girls who started a teenager confused choose what works for their skin. But careful now .. many many products contain harmful substances. or if you can instead use a natural way to brighten skin.

His face brightens skin Natural Way:

* Clean the face with a cleanser ngolesin milk or milk cleanser evenly over the face.

* Remove the milk cleanser with a special soft cotton face've soaked with water and squeezed.

* Do not wipe away the skin with too much pressure on cotton, because it can make the skin stretch.

* After that, wash again with a refreshing face that dripped on cotton for ngilangin diwajah remaining oil.

Tips Eliminate Mouth Odor

Tips How to Eliminate, Overcoming and Preventing Mouth Odor:

1. Brush my teeth every diligent and clean after every meal for at least 2 minutes.
2. Not eating foods and beverages that usually make up the smell.
3. Avoid candy that cause bad breath after the candy out.
4. Treat your teeth at the dentist and check ups at least twice a year.
5. Minumn a lot of water and sufficient.
6. Clean your tongue with a brush of the tongue bacteria, spoons, toothbrushes, etc..
7. Use a mouth spray odor remover.
8. Diligently rinse the mouth with a special cleaning fluid for mouthwash.
9. Smoking habits was left alone.
10. Avoid eating lots of greasy food when meal.
11. Eat fibrous foods such as vegetables and fresh fruits.
12. Yogurt drink, eat high doses of vitamin c and chewing the leaves of plants such as coriander, eucalyptus, taragon, and so forth.

Hopefully you have bad breath can suffer loss of at least 100% or less smell.

Healthy Living Tips

In the living of everyday life we should always prioritize the health of our body and soul because it was delicious and healthy there is a saying that a person will not value their own health when he was still healthy. Once the importance of health so that there are people who are willing to pay billions of dollars for their own health when he was sick.

The following tips are examples of activities that we live in our everyday world. Activity or the activity into a healthy lifestyle applications, namely:

1. Dodge / Stop The Habit Fool It's disgusting

Activities stupid for some people who thought / considered as an activity that cool, macho and slang is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / narcotics / other additive substances that cause addiction.

Just imagine if it was hit by one of the above activities so stupid someone could spend a lot of money to buy opium, to the cost of future medical treatment, waste time trying to buy and consume goods is illegitimate.

Using these disgusting things, of course, increase our sins doubly because the impact / effect is not just us who feel alone, but also others such as parents, friends, family, boyfriend, and so forth.

2. Do not Make Free Sex Relationships Outside of Marriage

Sex is good for the Part of those. But it would be honorable and commendable if sex is done responsibly and with the blessing of many people. Most sex is underrated for couples who are used to do or for people who easily aroused without a strong faith.

The effects of free sex premarital sex is such as:
* Pregnant out of wedlock and the man ran away from responsibility.
* Infectious diseases like AIDS that there is no cure.
* Sin to God
* Excluded from social and community
* Raided police / Civil Defense
* Killed his own girlfriend, raped, etc..
* Addicted to orgasms, and develop into a dangerous phase.
* Beginning from number 1 silly activities above.
* Hard to get a mate when he wanted a serious marriage.
* Lied to parents, families, relatives, friends, etc..
* And much more from the bad.

The purpose of sex to get the climax / orgasm much deified by many people who are lost and they will find another victim to be taken and dragged into the black valley. If contact with the opposite sex or same-sex without marriage should not see the course if ngesex enaknya, but see the negative side very much. You will be disgusted to do.

3. Eat Healthy Food And Match Rules

Good food is not necessarily healthy. Many foods and drinks dangerous and unhealthy if consumed. Examples such as the use of borax and formaldehyde as a food and beverage should digonakan to preserve corpses / bodies / carcasses.

If you snack do not haphazardly. Purchase food and drink in places that can guarantee cleanliness / hygiene of food drink. Be careful and always alert to anything that would we put in our mouths because it could have a drink or food we buy and ready to eat has been mixed with hazardous toxic substances like arsenic, sleeping pills, seangga poison, rat poison, pengewet not for food and beverages, and so forth. See also cleaning the place and the processing and selection of raw materials food / beverage.

Do not be easily tempted by ads on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, sales, and so forth. Sometimes the producers lied to get one big advantage and cooperation with government actors to shut up.

Eating foods and nutritious beverages tailored to the condition of the body, and the activity of our age. Eat before you are hungry and stop eating before you are full is a good habit. Do not ever forget the fourth of five perfectly healthy we often hear from first time. Eat a balanced nutritional intake because of what we eat will represent us in the future.

4. Keeping Yourself Hygiene And Environment Around Us

Self cleanliness need to be considered and carefully maintained because related / closely related to our appearance in public. kerapihan and hygiene such as hair loss, nails, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. can give the effect on overall body health. Avoid exchanging toiletries, toilet, health, personal clothing with other people because it may be a dangerous disease.

Just imagine if somebody acute dental pain can cause he does not enter the office for days because the pain is unbearable. People who have the appearance and style of dirty be shunned from the everyday interactions and will be difficult to make friends, boyfriend, mate, work, trust and others.

Keep the environment clean of trash and environmental disease because the environment can affect the health of our bodies. Garbage is piled and rotting able to remove the unpleasant smell / bad, shabby scenery / dirty, the sound of flies flying, curses voice who was nearby, and so forth.

Garbage can also be a nest of rats spread diseases such as leptospirosis is spread through urine penyekit rats and Tipes / typhoid. Mosquitoes can also spread the seeds of which can result in plasmodium melaria and dengue fever in a person. flies that spread bacteria and viruses that cause gastrointestinal diseases such as beri-beri, diarrhea, diarrhea, and so on.

Pollution such as rubbish and toilet waste household, factory waste, noise pollution, and other pollutants need to be resolved with swift and well coordinated among the members of the community in an environment that produces results clean and comfortable environment good.

5. Exercise and health checked regularly to doctor

Exercise regularly to stimulate the heart, breathing and blood circulation becomes better. Get used to exercise every day with a light activity such as walking, gymnastics, fitness, jogging, biking, or full exercise like playing badminton, soccer, marathon running, tennis, basketball, and others.

In addition there is another sport that is not less important to the sport of regular health check regularly to the doctor. Medical examination in order to be programmed is a disease or disorder which can occur more quickly detected so that treatment will not eat a lot of cost, time and energy.

6. Avoid Stress Which sucks a Healthy Way

To avoid the stress necessary strategies for each individual. Find the best way to relieve stress in your own way that is easy, can be done everywhere, cheap, healthy, kosher, and delicious made. Examples of activities such as the removal of stress is by listening to personal music pleasant and eliminates the burden of the mind that is, playing video games, music music, sports, talk ama temen closest friend, vent, non-gambling card maen, healthy dating, eating, doing conjugal relationship / sex with a legitimate partner, hanging out in the loo, a walk in the mall, singing, playing small toys, gardening, fishing, shouted at the quiet, sleeping and so on.

The point in your life is totally at ease with all the existing problems. Why should hard (stress), hard it was useless. Your emotions must not become evil and control yourself, karna uncontrollable emotions and sometimes resentment, hurt, and others who look stupid to others. There are issues / problems that can make you depressed cool aja lah, like there is not just a job laen.

Enough sleep, bonding with the Almighty God according to religion and beliefs of each origin is not evil, and to implement healthy lifestyle programs to prevent stress and depression, which if severe and chronic mental disorders can be, and mental illness that makes your taste depressed and ashamed of the people. Consult with a psychologist if you have psychiatric problems or other people who you trust if you are shy. Open your heart to accept criticism, feedback and suggestions from others and change your lifestyle if necessary for the health of the soul / mind you.

Tips Educate Children Become Smart

Being a smart child who is not a gift given by God alone. But there are several factors or how to educate a child who makes a thin brain than others. Here are a few things about MSNNews delivered by education should be acquired children.

Education is what I call here is not formally in school. But that must be done at home parents. Here are some ways that makes children can become more intelligent than others:

Play music
This can stimulate the growth of the right brain. And from studies conducted by universities of Toronto, this can increase the IQ and academic value of children.

Develop a child's curiosity
Successful education for bright kids will always want to know new things. So from the childhood habit that you as parents should always show the curiosity of the children.

That way you do not need to send these children to learn it. Because he himself would wonder. Automatically with the more he learned to make it smart.

Reading culture
With reading activities will increase knowledge and cognitive development of children. Then how to do it? Read stories to children can be one way out. Alternatively, give children the gift of a book that can attract attention.

Especially now the internet era, why not use that weapon in educating? Internet has proven an effective way to get people to read. Of course, since this for the education of children to be smart, must remain accompanied by Parents.

Educating children is a good smart-confidence and made him always optimistic that he can do something. One way is to participate in sports or social activities can membantunya.Dan not even educate children so that he became less confident.

One example is when a mother criticized her picture because the sky is red instead of blue. It seems trivial. But it's not a good education. Because children become afraid to do something because it is wrong. And people who never do anything how would be smart.

Some other things that can make a smart child is of course the benefits of breastfeeding, eliminate fast food and providing healthy food, get exercise. Hopefully, if you educate with education as a way above, children can become more intelligent.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Eliminate Acne Tips

It was common knowledge that the presence of acne (especially in the face) will greatly affect the confidence of people who are suffering. Thus everyone would have breakouts desperately trying to spot the creature's name can be immediately expelled from the face or other body parts.

For those who are heavy purse mah eliminate acne is not a difficult problem. Stay away to the hairdresser expensive skin care, follow treatment, use the product, finished. But what about those who purse thin (like myself for example)? Is there no hope for eliminating acne with little cost?

Of course, there were many in fact. Here are some ways traditional / natural that you can try to help eliminate acne:

1. Garlic

There are two options in using garlic to get rid of acne. First with the grind of two or more garlic until soft enough then applied to the facial acne. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse. The other is to take one or more of garlic every day.

Many say these two efekktif enough, but for you who do not like the smell of garlic may be better to take the other way. Do not worry there are many other natural ways which I will explain below.

2. White Eggs

How? Easy. Separate the egg yolks and egg whites take it. Whisk briefly then apply to face and let stand for 15 minutes. This egg white will help reduce the oil in the face of often cause acne.

3. Toothpaste

One thing to note here that used toothpaste is shaped pasta (such as Pepsodent) rather than a gel form (such as Close Up). Almost the same way the second premises of the above. Apply toothpaste to acne and other parts around the pimple before bed. Let the night / until the morning and then rinse with clean water.

4. Aloe Vera

Take a leaf aloe vera, cut into several parts, peel the outer skin, apply at the emerging pimples, and repeat do this every morning and afternoon. If you are patient enough, acne may be dried and peeled off for 3 days. Also Aloe vera is also able to remove a stubborn acne scars. Once again the key is only one, persevering!

5. Tomatoes

This one fruit but good for the eyes is also quite effectively eliminate blackheads black (blackheads). The first thing to do is to slice the tomatoes in half and rub all over the pimpled face and leave for 15 minutes - 1 hour and then rinse.

6. Lemon / Lime + Water Rose

Lemon, lime and countrymen fruits contain citric acid which is very rich, where citric acid is very good to move the skin cells that die can cause acne. The way is by mixing the juice / lemon juice with rose water and apply on face and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. Application of this therapy regularly and consistently for 15 days will give results quite remarkable (so many have proved, including me).

The six natural way to eliminate acne that I mentioned above you do not have any. Kalo you include lazy (like me), choose only one way that you think is most easily performed. Run for a minimum of 15 days on a regular basis, if no new change try another way. So, Good Try ...

Friday, January 22, 2010


La hidrocodona, o dihidrocodeinona, es un analgésico opioide derivado de la codeína (metilmorfina). Se usa generalmente por vía oral. Su consumo se ha incrementado mucho en los últimos años. Se puede encontrar en cápsulas o jarabe. Asimismo, es un agente antitusígeno, que suprime el reflejo de la tos mediante una acción directa sobre el sistema nervioso central (presuntamente, a nivel del tallo cerebral o de la protuberancia).

La hidrocodona se utiliza para tratar el dolor moderado, mediano, e intenso. Se indica tomar cada 4-6 horas. La hidrocodona puede producir dependencia y un agravado síndrome de abstinencia si se abandona súbitamente el fármaco. No debe utilizarse el medicamento durante un período más largo que el establecido por su médico. Por ser un narcótico, puede inhibir el miedo y es muy adictivo por lo que debe ser prescrito por el médico.

Farmacocinética: la hidrocodona posee un metabolismo hepático y una biodisponibilidad del 90%. Tiene una vida media de 3,8 horas y es excretada por vía renal.

Fórmula química: C18 H21 NO3

A la hidrocodona se la puede administrar por vía oral, intravenosa, intramuscular y subcutánea.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Former Eliminate Acne Tips

Acne is the most common problems associated with beauty. Acne that never lost self-confidence can make us down, especially if the tainted scar face. Many cosmetic products that are sold in the market which is said to be able to eliminate traces of acne spots. But we must be careful before using the product of chemicals, because one-one rather than beautiful skin, but we got side effects that sometimes make us even more damaged skin.

Here are some tips to deal with acne and remove acne scars without the use of drugs. Simply using the natural materials that most probably in your home.

Ice Stone
Apply ice to the surface of the face to close up the pores so that the outer particles pertikel cause acne does not go into the skin.

Sliced Tomatoes
Tomato slices rubbed on acne scars can prove annoying stain.

Cucumber juice
Cucumber juice is a natural skin toner that can improve skin texture. Cucumber can reduce inflammation, smoothing the skin and heal wounds caused by acne.

White Eggs
Egg white easily obtained and effective enough to overcome acne. Apply egg white on the pimples and leave overnight so that your acne improves.

In the eastern hemisphere turmeric has thousands of years known as beauty products. Khasiatnya One is to reduce acne scars ..

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a potent healer, including to remove acne scars. The way he lives inside lenders apply aloe vera to the skin regularly.

Water Lemon
Apply lemon juice on the acne spots and allow some time before washing with water. Lemon has a content that can lighten skin color. Lemon can also remove dead skin cells and make skin more elastic.

Olive Oil
Besides making a delicious dish, olive oil can also remove acne spots. Gently massage your face with acne, especially the oil contained in the acne spots.

Honey is a natural moisturizer. Honey mask has long been believed to also make skin look brighter and shine.

You could say water is a method of treatment is best face we can get from nature. Drink enough water to remove toxins from the body. Water can also help shed the skin cells to die.

Fruits and Vegetables
Expand the consumption of fruit and vegetables to make the skin healthier.

There is no harm to try Tips2 above, since all ingredients are natural and possible side effects is very small. Good luck.

Tips Overcoming Sleep Disorders Hard

You'll never feel nervous because she could not sleep even though it was already shown at midnight? Despite trying to close my eyes, your mind kept drifting to no sleep. As a result, the body was limp in the morning and my head felt dizzy because of the condition of the body is less to break. This is the symptom of insomnia that you should be aware.

Insomnia can be defined as a condition where a person having difficulty sleeping or can not sleep well. Average everyone has experienced insomnia once in his life. There are even more extreme mentions 30 - 50% of the population experiencing insomnia.

Insomnia Causes
Insomnia can be caused to attack all age groups. However, the incidence of insomnia increases with age. This may be caused by the stress that often descend those older. In addition, women more often said to suffer from insomnia than men.

Besides due to stress, insomnia may also occur because there is a problem in your food. Another thing that can cause insomnia is the atmosphere of a room that does not support, anxiety, until the excess caffeine consumption.

Tips Overcoming Sleep Disorders Hard :

1. Regular exercise
Exercise regularly. Some studies say that regular exercise can help people who experience problems with sleep. Exercise should be done in the morning and not a few minutes before sleep. With exercise, your health becomes more optimal, so the body can fight stress that comes with the better.

2. Reduce consumption kaffein
Minimize your intake of caffeine such as tea or coffee. If you want to consume them, do it in the morning, or at least 4 hours before bed at night. Caffeine is consumed too close to bedtime will only hinder the arrival of sleep.

3. Notice meal
You should consider a meal, give a minimum time of two hours before bed after the last meal for dinner. Distance eating too close to bedtime it will increase metabolism and body temperature, making sleep more difficult. In this way, you can maintain your weight, remember to sleep after a big meal will save a lot of fat.

If you really hungry, choose snacks like cereal grains that are mixed milk, tofu, oatmeal, or bread sprinkled with sesame seeds. But still, give a minimum of one hour before bed because tryptophan is also needed time to stimulate the brain.

4. Eat carbohydrate foods before bed
To be able to sleep well, your body needs trytophan or substance often called sleeping pills. Trytophan, which is a type of fatty acids, producing serotonin function can relax nerves in the brain centers. When the brain is relaxed, you will more easily fall asleep with a good quality.

Trytophan many carbohydrates are in foods lightly. Muffins, crackers, or fruit can be a solution. But do not be too full, your digestion will be overwhelmed because they have to work hard to digest, so you can not break up.

5. Do the activities that make you comfortable to sleep
You can start by pouring oil on the diffuser aromatherapy, hot shower, set your favorite song or cover the bed with a comfortable blanket. At bedtime, turn off the lights, turn off the menimbulan it sounds, make sure you are comfortable with the temperature of your sleeping room. Keep the clock of your eyes because it can make you anxious because of not able to sleep while the clock so late.

6. Bed only for sleeping
If you want to read or watch tv do better elsewhere, so when you go to bed, 'alarm' in your body quickly reminded that it is time to sleep. This will help your body adjust to the environment in which to sleep. When you lie in bed, then the stimulus will come to bed.

7. Clear mind
Clear your mind. Away with all the worries that descend your mind. One way to do this is to write down all your thoughts through the media blog.

8. Sleep and wake up in a regular period
Sleep and wake up in the regular time period every day. Chaotic bedtime will disrupt your sleep later.

If these tips are not able to also give positive results for you, contact your doctor immediately.


La naloxona es una droga utilizada para contrarestar los efectos de las sobredosis de los analgésicos opiáceos y opioides, como la morfina, fentanilo, o heroina. Especificamente, se la utiliza para contrarestar las depresiones del sistema nervioso central y sistema respiratorio.

La naloxona es un antagonista de los receptores opioides. Para tratar la toxicidad por opiáceos en adultos, se indican usualmente (por vía IV, IM o subcutánea) 0,01 mg/kg o bien 0,4 mg (400 mcg) como dosis única. No obstante, la posología debe ser individualizada para cada paciente en particular.

En la depresión por opiáceos se utilizan (por vía IV) entre 0,1 y 0,2 mg (a intervalos de 2 a 3 minutos, hasta conseguir ventilación y estado de conciencia adecuados, sin dolor significativo). Las dosis pediátricas (en neonatos) se suministran a través de la vena umbilical, o bien por vía IM o subcutánea, y rondan los 10 mcg/kg (0,025 ml/kg de peso). La naloxona se prescribe también por vía oral (en combinación con pentazocina) para aliviar el dolor moderado a intenso.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Raise Weight Loss Tips, Be Ideal

Many of us are experiencing problems in raising the ideal weight. Ideal body weight can be added to increase muscle mass, not body fat. Many are often wrong meaning with increasing weight means increasing the amount of fat. Besides the way it is the wrong way, the way it is also very unhealthy because it means increased fat we consume more energy than we need for our activities.
Usually after trying for months, eating as much as possible, fitness exercise 'he' was heavy, but still not entirely fruitless, we are getting desperate and saying that our bodies are thin or have a genetic destiny. If in 2-3 weeks there has been no result, there is something wrong SURE.

Please check the tips below for the muscle during the 2-3 weeks have not got:
1. Have we eat 5-6x a day, moderate, and reducing junk food? Eating junk food, not only adds unhealthy fats, but also can slow metabolism makes the body can not work as well.

2. Eat carbs and protein after exercise DIRECT. This is needed to replace glycogen or sugar in the muscles that run out when we exercise. And protein needed by the muscles that we have just 'broken' with heavy exercise.

3. Eat real food (not supplements) MAX 1 hour after exercise

4. Drink multivitamin (this requirement will make the weight loss supplement, because vitamin B in particular, helps to digest the nutrients that we eat.'ll Eat lots of food waste, but our bodies can not digest it well).

5. Strength training is NOT EXCEED 1 hour. And reduce your cardio. Exercise more than 1 hour will waste your calories. You still need calories to build your muscles.

6. Not the same muscles more than 2x a week

7. It was followed 9-12 sets per muscle per session. Do not train the chest muscles with all the equipment in the gym with the assumption that the more complete the better. Use only 3-4 instruments each about 3-4 sets and use only basic compound movement. No Isolation Movement.

8. 6-8 reps is a must, not be up to 12 reps. Was 6-8 reps failure tuh.

9. Use negative reps. After the failure, assisted by a friend / spotter to lift, and we stand to fall. Vary this negative reps for 2-3 weeks.

10. Already using High Intensity training for weight training. Which means, short break between sets, about 1.5 - 2 minutes. And lifting as heavy as possible. Example: for a high of about 160-165, jgn said bench press 10kg weight left and right already. Such would not be able to increase your muscle time. Chased a target of at least 25-30kg left and right. If blm able, perlahan2 increase each week until you are able, if necessary, ask the help of friends.


La nalbufina es un analgésico opioide semisintético, quimicamente relacionado con la naloxona y la oximorfona. La nalbufina es un analgésico potente indicado para tratar los dolores moderados y severos. También puede ser usado como complemento de la anestesia en fases pre y postoperatorias.

La nalbufina está disponible en dos concentraciones: de 10 mg y de 20 mg de clorhidrato de nalbufina por ml.


La nalbufina posee una biodisponibilidad del 83% cuando es administrada por vía intramuscular. Clinicamente, su metabolismo es de 3 a 6 horas. Es excretada por vía urinaria.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Caring for Hair Tips

Here are some tips for healthy hair care you can do at home:

1. To avoid dull the edges of the broken, you should be diligent creambath least once a week.
With so many stores that sell cosmetics cream for creambath from various famous brands, you can easily do creambath nursing home.

Available with a choice of ginseng, man-aring, walnut, celery, and aloe vera, you can make choices based on your hair needs. To blacken the hair for example, which contains pilihlan hazelnut cream, while strengthening the hair roots, choose a cream containing ginseng.

The way was easy enough, after a moderate massage, hair Ungkep towel warmer for a few minutes as a substitute for steam process in the salon. After that wash hair as usual.

2. If the end of the hair is still too broken even though you've diligently creambath, it means you need a hair hair hair spa to get a better nutrition.

Hair spa aims to restore the damaged hair. The process was roughly equivalent to creambath and has many shops that sell cosmetics ingredients.

3. If you have an aloe vera plant, a traditional recipe grandmother inherited this might be practiced to get a shiny healthy hair.
How, after taking meat shampoo aloe vera for diusapkan on scalp, leave some time to dry. Nisacaya your hair will grow thick and shiny.

4. Also you can mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 2 tablespoons aloe vera which the flesh was torn down to be shampoo. It is said that this shampoo will make a fresh scalp and hair becomes soft. Easy and cheap is not it?


La oximorfona es un poderoso analgésico opiáceo semisintético. También se la conoce como 14-hidroxidihidromorfinona. Fue desarrollado en Alemania en 1914 y patentado en los EEUU por laboratorios Endo-Pharmaceuticals en 1955. A la oximorfona se la conoce comercialmente como Opana y Numorphan. Tiene el aspecto de cristales blancos inoloros que se oscurecen en contacto con la luz en forma prolongada.

La oximorfona es administrada por vía intramuscular (inyección) o vía tópica en forma de supositorios, en dosis de 1 mg y de 5 mg. Está indicada para alivia los dolores moderados y severos y también para fases pre y postoperatorias.

Farmacocinética: la oximorfona posee un metabolismo hepático y una vida media de 1,3 horas; se la excreta por la orina en un 35% y por las heces en un 65%.


Monday, January 18, 2010


La oxicodona es un analgésico opiáceo potente, el cual es sintetizado de la tebaína. Es potencialmente adictivo. La oxicodona es un metiléter de la oximorfona (3-metiloximorfona). También puede describirse como 14-hidroxicodeinona. Usualmente se emplea como clorhidrato (clorhidrato de oxicodona).

Farmacocinética: La oxicodona posee aceptable absorción por vía oral, no influida por los alimentos, y una biodisponibilidad entre el 60 y el 87%, superior a la de la morfina. La fijación a proteínas es del 38-45%. Se metaboliza en el hígado por el sistema enzimático citocromo P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) por medio de una O-demetilación a noroxicodona y oximorfona, que no contribuyen al efecto farmacológico. La eliminación es por vía renal, el 8-14% en forma de oxicodona y el resto como metabolitos. La semivida es de unas 3 a 5 horas y alcanza niveles plasmáticos estacionarios en 24-36 horas.

Mecanismo de acción: La oxicodona es un agonista puro de receptores mu y kappa y sin techo terapéutico. Al parecer puede tener acción agonista con la morfina, ya que ésta ocuparía los receptores mu, mientras que la oxicodona ocuparía los receptores kappa. Para algunos autores también actuaría sobre receptores delta.

Nursing Care Plan for Emphysema

NCP for Emphysema

Nursing Diagnosis

Impaired gas exchange related to ventilation-perfusion abnormalities secondary to hypoventilation

Destination :

Patients can maintain adequate gas exchange

Results Criteria :

Patients able to demonstrate :
  • Beep net pulmonary
  • The color of normal skin
  • Blood gases within normal limits for the estimated age

Intervention :
  • Assess for signs and symptoms of hypoxia and hypercapnia
  • Monitor and record blood gas examination, examine the trend in the increase or decrease in PaO2 PaCO2
  • Help with the provision of mechanical ventilation according to indications, assess the need for CPAP or Peep.
  • Auscultation chest to listen to breath sounds every hour
  • Review the daily chest X-ray examination, or deviations noticed improvement
  • Monitor cardiac rhythm
  • Provide appropriate parenteral fluid orders
  • Provide customized medicines: bronchodilators, antibiotics, steroids.
  • Evaluation of AKS in conjunction with a decrease in oxygen demand.

Nursing Care Plans Anxiety


Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, apprehension, fear, or worry. Some fears and worries are justified, such as worry about a loved one or in anticipation of taking a quiz, test, or other examination. Problem anxiety interferes with the sufferer's ability to sleep or otherwise function. It is noteworthy that teenagers are particularly susceptible to having irritability as a symptom of a number of emotional problems, including anxiety. Anxiety may occur without a cause, or it may occur based on a real situation but may be out of proportion to what would normally be expected. Severe anxiety can have a serious impact on daily life.

* Anxiety can be accompanied by a variety of physical symptoms. Most commonly, these symptoms are related to the heart, lungs, nervous, and gastrointestinal systems. You may have upset stomach, diarrhea, trouble breathing, feel as if you may faint or are having a heart attack.


Problem anxiety may be caused by a mental condition, a physical condition, the effects of drugs, or from a combination of these. The doctor's initial task is to see if your anxiety is caused by a medical condition. Conditions as varied as anemia, asthma attack, infection, drug intoxication or withdrawal, or a number of heart conditions are just a few examples of medical problems that can be associated with anxiety.

  • Panic disorder: recurrent episodes of panic attacks, worry about having an attack, about what it means, or changing the way one behaves because of the panic attacks for at least a month. Panic attacks are separate and intense periods of fear or feelings of doom developing over a very short time frame-10 minutes-and they're associated with at least four of the following :
    • Palpitations
    • Sweating
    • Trembling
    • Shortness of breath
    • Sense of choking
    • Chest pain
    • Nausea or other stomach upset
    • Dizziness
    • A feeling of being detached from the world (derealization)
    • Being unable to think, feeling as if the mind has gone blank
    • Fear of dying
    • Numbness or tingling
    • Chills or hot flashes

  • Generalized anxiety disorder: excessive, unrealistic, and difficult to control worry over a period of at least six months. It's associated with three of the following :
    • Restlessness
    • Easily tired
    • Trouble concentrating
    • Irritability
    • Muscle tension
    • Sleep problems

  • Phobic disorders: intense, persistent, and recurring fear of certain objects (such as snakes, spiders, or blood) or situations (such as heights, speaking in front of a group, or public places). These exposures may trigger a panic attack.

  • Stress disorders: anxiety (also known as post-traumatic stress disorder) caused by the exposure to either death or near-death circumstances such as fires, floods, earthquakes, shootings, automobile accidents, or wars, for example. Other traumatic events may not have had the threat of death or near-death but resulted in the severe injury or threat thereof. Examples of such trauma include victimization through physical or sexual abuse, witnessing the abuse of another or over-xposure to inappropriate material (for example, exposure of children to pornographic images or acts). The traumatic event is re-experienced in thoughts and dreams. Common behaviors include the following :
    • Re-experiencing the trauma, either when awake (flashbacks) or when asleep (nightmares)
    • Avoiding activities, places, or people associated with the triggering event
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Difficulty sleeping
    • Being hypervigilant (you closely watch your surroundings)
    • Feeling a general sense of depression, irritability, doom and gloom with diminished emotions such as loving feelings or aspirations for the future

  • Symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, fainting, and weakness generally should not be attributed to anxiety and require evaluation by a doctor.

Nursing Diagnosis Definition For Anxiety:

Vague uneasy feeling of discomfort or dread accompanied by an autonomic response (the source often nonspecific or unknown to the individual); a feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of danger. It is an alerting signal that warns of impending danger and enables the individual to take measures to deal with threat.
Defining Characteristics Nursing Diagnosis Anxiety
Expressed concerns due to change in life events; insomnia
Fear of unspecific consequences

Nursing Priority Nursing Care Plans For Anxiety
  • Assess level of anxiety
  • Assist client to identify feelings and begin to deal with problems
  • Provide measures to comfort and aid client to handle problematic
  • To promote wellness; teaching/discharge considerations.

Source :

Nursing Care Plan

A nursing care plan outlines the nursing care to be provided to a patient. It is a set of actions the nurse will implement to resolve nursing problems identified by assessment. The creation of the plan is an intermediate stage of the nursing process. It guides in the ongoing provision of nursing care and assists in the evaluation of that care.

Characteristics of the nursing care plan

1. It focuses on actions which are designed to solve or minimize the existing problem.
2. It is a product of a deliberate systematic process.
3. It relates to the future.
4. It is based upon identifiable health and nursing problems.
5. Its focus is holistic.
6. It focuses to meet all the needs of the service user.

Elements of the plan

In the USA, the nursing care plan may consist of a NANDA nursing diagnosis with related factors and subjective and objective data that support the diagnosis, nursing outcome classifications with specified outcomes (or goals) to be achieved including deadlines, and nursing intervention classifications with specified interventions.

The nursing process

Care plans are formed using the nursing process. First the nurse collects subjective data and objective data, then organizes the data into a systematic pattern, such as Marjory Gordon's Gordon's functional health patterns. This step helps identify the areas in which the client needs nursing care. Based on this, the nurse makes a nursing diagnosis. As mentioned above, the full nursing diagnosis also includes the relating factors and the evidence that supports the diagnosis. For example, a nurse may give the following diagnosis to a patient with pneumonia that has difficulty breathing: Ineffective Airway Clearance related to tracheobronchial infection (pneumonia) and excess thick secretions as evidenced by abnormal breath sounds; crackles, wheezes; change in rate and depth of respiration; and effective cough with sputum.(This Nursing Diagnosis is taken from the list of NANDA's functional health patterns,Disturbed pattern is "Activity and Exercise pattern")

After determining the nursing diagnosis, using the PES (Problem, Etiology, Signs and Symptoms) system, the nurse must state the expected outcomes, or goals. A common method of formulating the expected outcomes is to reverse the nursing diagnosis, stating what evidence should be present in the absence of the problem. The expected outcomes must also contain a goal date. Following the example above, the expected outcome would be: Effective airway clearance as evidenced by normal breath sounds; no crackles or wheezes; respiration rate 14-18/min; and no cough by 01/01/01.

After the goal is set, the nursing interventions must be established. This is the plan of nursing care to be followed to assist the client in recovery. The interventions must be specific, noting how often it is to be performed, so that any nurse or appropriate faculty can read and understand the care plan easily and follow the directions exactly. An example for the patient above would be: Instruct and assist client to TCDB (turn, cough, deep breathe) to assist in loosening and expectoration of mucous every 2 hours.

The evaluation is made on the goal date set. It is stated whether or not the client has met the goal, the evidence of whether or not the goal was met, and if the care plan is to be continued, discontinued or modified. If the care plan is problem-based and the client has recovered, the plan would be discontinued. If the client has not recovered, or if the care plan was written for a chronic illness or ongoing problem, it may be continued. If certain interventions are not helping or other interventions are to be added, the care plan is modified and continued.

Since its inception, the nursing process has been developed and honed by different authors. Additional detail has been added for each stage of the process, and new or adapted stages have also been suggested. The most recent 'repackaging' of the nursing process comes in the form of the ASPIRE approach to planning and delivering care[1]. This approach - developed within Hull University (UK) as a teaching and learning tool - takes the 5-stage approach outlined above and enhances it. 'Diagnosis' is retitled 'Systematic Nursing Diagnosis' to reflect the process of diagnosis in addition to the final product. An additional stage - 'Recheck' - is placed between Implementation and Evaluation, and reflects the information-gathering activities carried out by nurses, necessary to make an informed judgement about the effectiveness of patient care.

There are also care plans written for "at risk" problems, as well as "wellness" care plans. These follow a similar format, only designed to prevent problems from happening and continue or promote healthy behavior.

Source :

Saturday, January 16, 2010


La tebaina es un alcaloide opiáceo. Quimicamente la tebaina es similar a la morfina y codeina, pero, a diferencias de estas dos últimas, posee efectos estimulantes y no depresor, provocando convulsiones en dosis elevada.

La tebaina no se la utiliza terapéuticamente, pero puede ser convertida industrialmente en una variedad de compuestos que incluye la oxicodona, oximorfona, y la nabulfina.

La comercialización de la tebaina está controlada por los sistemas legales del Reino Unido y EEUU.

Nursing Care Plan Anemia


Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal. The normal level of hemoglobin is generally different in males and females. For men, anemia is typically defined as hemoglobin level of less than 13.5 gram/100ml and in women as hemoglobin of less than 12.0 gram/100ml. These definitions may vary slightly depending on the source and the laboratory reference used.


Any process that can disrupt the normal life span of a red blood cell may cause anemia. Normal life span of a red blood cell is typically around 120 days. Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow.

Anemia is caused essentially through two basic pathways. Anemia is either caused :
  1. by a decrease in production of red blood cell or hemoglobin, or
  2. by a loss or destruction of blood.


Because a low red blood cell count decreases oxygen delivery to every tissue in the body, anemia may cause many signs and symptoms. It can also make almost any other underlying medical condition worse. If anemia is mild, it may not cause any symptoms. If anemia is slowly ongoing (chronic), the body may adapt and compensate for the change; in this case there may not be any symptoms until the anemia becomes more severe.

Symptoms of anemia may include the following :
  • Fatigue
  • weakness
  • shortness of breath
  • lightheadedness
  • palpitations (feeling of the heart racing or beating irregularly)
  • looking pale

Symptoms of severe anemia may include :
  • chest pain, angina, or heart attack
  • dizziness
  • fainting or passing out
  • rapid heart rate

Some of the signs that may indicate anemia in an individual may include :
  • Change in stool color, including black and tarry stools (sticky and foul smelling), maroon-colored, or visibly bloody stools if the anemia is due to blood loss through the gastrointestinal tract.
  • rapid heart rate
  • low blood pressure
  • rapid breathing
  • pale or cold skin
  • yellow skin called jaundice if anemia is due to red blood cell breakdown
  • heart murmur
  • enlargement of the spleen with certain causes of anemia.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nursing Care Plan Pulmonary Tuberculosis


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Acid resistant germ stem can be a pathogenic organism or saprofit. There are several microbacterial pathogens, but only bovin and human strains of pathogenic to humans. These tubercles bacillus measuring 0.3 x 2 to 4 μm, this size is smaller than a red blood cell.


The cause is bacteria micro-organisms, the mycobacterium tuberculosis in length from 1 to 4 um thick and 1.3 to 0.6 um, one of those aerobic gram-positive bacteria and acid resistant or acid resistant bacilli.

Sign and symptoms

Signs and symptoms in an objective client is:

1. Circumstances that the client posture seemed lifted her shoulders.
2. The weight is usually decreased Bbadan clients; rather thin.
3. Fever, body temperature can reach 40 to 41 ° C.
4. Old stone, more than 1 month or a chronic cough.
5. Coughing that sometimes accompanied hemaptoe.
6. Shortness of breath.
7. Chest pain.
8. Malaise, (anorexia, decreased appetite, headache, muscle aches, sweating at night).

Examination Support
  1. Sputum culture: mycobakterium positive for the disease at the final stage.
  2. Ziehl Neelsen (acid fast on the use of glass for liquid blood smears) positive for acid fast bacilli.
  3. Skin test (Mantoux, cut vollmer); positive reaction (area of 10 mm length) occurred 48 to 72 hours after intra-dermal injection. Antigen showed past infection and the presence of anti-body but not the means indicate active disease. Significant reaction in patients who are clinically ill means that active TB can not be inherited or caused by a mycobacterium infection different.
  4. Elisa / Western blot: to declare the existence of HIV.
  5. Photo thorax; infiltrsi lesions may show earlier in the lung area, calcium deposits or lesions healed primary pleural fluid, shows more extensive changes in TB can enter the cavity of the fibrous areas.
  6. Histology or tissue culture (including cleaning of ulcer; urien and cerebrospinal fluid, skin biopsy) positive for mycobakterium tubrerkulosis.
  7. Needle biopsy of lung tissue; granules positive for TB; the giant cells showed necrosis.
  8. Elektrosit, can not normally depend on the location and asked infections; ex; Hyponaremia, because of abnormal water retention, obtained in large pulmonary TB. GDA can not normally depend on location, weight and the rest of the lung damage.
  9. Examination of lung function; decreased vital capacity, increased dead space, increased resido air ratio and total lung capacity and decrease in oxygen saturation parenkhim secondary to infiltration / fibrosis, loss of lung tissue and pleural disease (chronic pulmonary TB area).

  1. Activity / rest.
    Symptoms :
    • General fatigue and weakness.
    • Short breath because of work.
    • Difficulty sleeping at night or in the evening fever, and chills or sweating.
    • A bad dream.

    Signs :
    • Tachycardia, tachipnoe, / dispnoe at work.
    • Muscle fatigue, pain and shortness (in the advanced stage).

  2. Ego Integrity
    Symptoms :
    • The long stress factor.
    • Economic problems, household.
    • Feeling helpless / hopeless.
    • Population culture.

    Signs :
    • Denial. (especially during the early stages).
    • Ancietas, frightened, easily offended.

  3. Food / liquids.
    Symptoms :
    • Anorexia.
    • Unable to digest food.
    • Weight loss.

    Signs :
    • Poor skin turgor.
    • Loss of subcutaneous fat in the muscle.

  4. Pain / comfort
    Symptoms :
    • Chest pain increased as recurrent cough.

    Signs :
    • Take care of the sick area.
    • Behavior distraction, anxious.

  5. Respiration
    Symptoms :
    • Cough productive or unproductive.
    • Short breath.
    • History of tuberculosis / individuals exposed to the injection site.

    Signs :
    • Increased frequency of breath.
    • Development of respiratory not symmetrical.
    • Percussion and vocal fremitus reduction, decreased breath sounds bilaterally or not unilaterally (effusi pleural / pneomothorax) tubuler breath sounds and / or a whisper above the pectoral area of the lesion, were recorded over the apex krekels diving inspiration lung rapidly after a short cough (krekels - posttusic).
    • Characteristics of sputum; purulent green, yellow or mixed mukoid blood.
    • Deviation trakeal (bronkogenik distribution).
    • No interest, real inflammable, mental changes (advanced stage).

  6. Security
    Symptoms :
    • The condition of immune suppression, for example; AIDS, cancer, HIV tests positive (+)

    Signs :
    • A low fever or acute fever.

  7. Social interaction.
    Symptoms :
    • Feelings of isolation / rejection due to infectious diseases.
    • Changes in normal patterns tangguang jaawab / change the physical capacity to perform the role.

  8. Guidance / learning
    Symptoms :
    • Family history of TB.
    • General inability / poor health status.
    • Failure to improve / recurrence of TB.
    • Not participating in therapy.

Nursing Care Plan Patients Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Airway clearance is not effectively connected with a thick secretions / blood.
Destination: Jalan breath effectively.

Result Criteria :
  • Finding a comfortable position that allows increased air exchange.
  • Demonstrated effective cough.
  • Stating a strategy to reduce the viscosity secretion.

Intervention :
  • Explain the client about the effective use of cough and why there is accumulation of secretions in the airway.
    Rational : Knowledge is expected to help develop a client adherence to the plan teraupetik.

  • Teach the client about the proper method of controlling cough.
    Rational : Uncontrollable cough is exhausting and ineffective, causing frustration.

  • Breath deeply and slowly when sitting as straight as possible.
    Rational : Allows greater lung expansion.

  • Perform diaphragmatic breathing.
    Rational : Respiratory diaphragm lower frequency. breathing and increased alveolar ventilation.

  • Hold your breath for 3 - 5 seconds and then slowly, remove as much as possible through the mouth. Make a second breath, hold and cough from the chest by doing a short 2 and a strong cough.
    Rational : Increasing the volume of air in the lung secretions facilitate secretion of expenditure.

  • Auscultation of lung before and after the client cough.
    Rational : Review This helps evaluate the effectiveness of cough effort clients.

  • Teach the client action to reduce the viscosity of secretions: maintain adequate hydration; increase fluid input 1000 and 1500 cc / day if no contraindications.
    Rational : Secretion is difficult to dilute thick and can cause blockage of mucus, which leads to atelectasis.

  • Encourage or provide good mouth care after coughing.
    Rational : Hiegene good mouth increase the sense of well-being and prevent bad breath.

  • Collaboration with other health team: With the doctor: the provision expectoran, of antibiotics, consul-ray photo.
    Rational : Expextorant to facilitate mucus and evaluation of client improvement of lung development.

Source :


La papaverina es un alcaloide opiáceo extraido de la flor del papaver. Es utilizada en el tratamiento de vasoespasmos, espasmos viscerales, espasmos del uréter y del tracto gastrointestinal. La papaverina también es administrada como vasodilatador cerebral en hemorragias subaracnoideas.

La papaverina difiere en estructura química y acción farmacológica de los alcaloides obtenidos del opio y que son utilizados como analgésicos. La papaverina provoca una inhibición de la enzima fosfodiesterasa, causando significativa elevación de los niveles AMP cíclicos. También podría alterar la respiración mitocondríaca de las células.

Farmacocinética de la Papaverina

Posee una biodisponibilidad del 80%, adhiriendose a las proteinas en un 90%. Tiene un metabolismo hepático y una vida media de 2 horas. Se la excreta por vía urinaria.

Fórmula química


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nursing Care Plan Stroke

  1. Primary Assessment
    • Airway.
      The existence of a blockage / obstruction of the airway by a buildup of secretions from a cough reflex weakness.

    • Breathing.
      Weakness swallowing / cough / protect the airway, the emergence of difficult breathing and / or irregular, the breath sounds heard Ronchi / aspirations.

    • Circulation.
      Blood pressure may be normal or increased, hypotension occurred in an advanced stage, tachycardia, normal heart sounds at this early stage, dysrhythmias, skin and mucous membranes pale, cold, cyanosis in advanced stages.

  2. Secondary Assessment
    • Activity and rest.
      Subjective Data :
      • difficulties in activities; weakness, loss of sensation or paralysis.
      • Easy fatigue, difficulty resting (pain or muscle spasms).
      Objective Data :
      • change the level of consciousness.
      • Changes of muscle tone (flaksid or spastic), paraliysis (hemiplegia), general weakness.
      • Disturbance of vision.

    • Circulation
      Subjective Data :
      • History of heart disease (heart valve disease, dysrhythmias, heart failure, bacterial endocarditis), polycythemia.
      Objective Data :
      • Hypertension arterial
      • Dysrhythmias, ECG changes
      • Absent: possibilities vary
      • Pulse carotid, femoral and iliac artery or abdominal aorta.

    • The integrity of the ego
      Subjective Data :
      • Feelings of helplessness, loss of hope.
      Objective Data :
      • unstable emotions and anger is not appropriate, kesediahan, joy.
      • Difficulty of expression itself.

    • Elimination
      Subjective Data :
      • incontinence, anuria
      • abdominal distension (very full bladder), the absence of bowel sounds (ileus paralitik)

    • Eating / drinking
      Subjective Data :
      • appetite loss.
      • Nausea / vomitus indicates PTIK.
      • Loss of sensation of the tongue, cheek, throat, dysphagia.
      • History of DM, fat in the blood increase.
      Objective Data :
      • Problems in chewing (decreased reflexes palate and pharynx)
      • Obesity (risk factor).

Nursing Diagnosis
  1. Changes in tissue perfusion cerebral blood flow dissolution bd: occlusive disease, bleeding, cerebral vascular spasm, cerebral edema.

  2. Damage to physical mobility bd neuromuscular involvement, weakness, paraesthesia, flaksid / hypotonic paralysis, paralysis spastis. Damage perceptual / cognitive.


Nursing Diagnosis 1. :
Changes in tissue perfusion cerebral blood flow dissolution bd: occlusive disease, bleeding, cerebral vascular spasm, cerebral edema.
Results Criteria:
* Preserved and rising levels of consciousness, cognition and function of sensory / motor.
* Reveal stabilization of vital signs and no PTIK.
* The role of patients did not reveal any deterioration / relapse.
* Determine the factors associated with the factor of individual situations / causes of coma / decrease in cerebral perfusion and the potential PTIK.
* Monitor and record the status of regular neurologist.
* Monitor vital signs.
* Evaluation of pupils (size and shape common reaction to light).
* Help to change the view, misalnay blurred vision, visual field changes / perceptual field of vision.
* Help improve the functions, including speaking, if the patient's impaired function.
* Head dielevasikan land softly on the neutral position.
* Keep tirah lying, provide a quiet environment, set up visits according to indications.
* Provide supplemental oxygen according to indications.
* Give medications as indicated:
o Antifibrolitik, eg aminocaproic acid (amicar).
o Antihypertensives.
o peripheral vasodilator, eg cyclandelate, isoxsuprine.
o mannitol.

Nursing Diagnosis 2. :
Ineffective airway clearance bd damage cough, inability to handle mucus.
Results Criteria:
* The patient showed airway kepatenan.
* Symmetrical chest expansion.
* The sound of breathing clean when auscultation.
* There is no sign of respiratory distress.
* GDA and vital signs within normal limits.
* Review and monitor breathing, coughing and secretion reflexes.
* Position the body and head to avoid airway obstruction and provide optimal secretion expenses.
* Sucking secretion.
* Auscultation chest to listen to the sound of the airway every 4 hours.
* Provide appropriate oxygenation advice.
* Monitor Hb as BGA and indications.

Nursing Care Plan Gastroenteritis


Include systematic assessment of data collection, data analysis and determination of the problem. The collection of data obtained by means of intervention, observation, assessment psikal.
  1. The identity of the client

  2. History of nursing
    • Prefix attack: At first a whiny child, anxiety, increased body temperature, anorexia and diarrhea occur.
    • The main complaint: the more liquid Faeces, vomit, if losing a lot of water and electrolytes symptoms of dehydration, weight decreased. In infants large fontanel sunken, skin tone and decreased turgor, mucous membranes dry mouth and lips, CHAPTER frequency more than 4 times with watery consistency.

  3. Medical history of the past
    Illness history, history of immunization.

  4. Family psychosocial history.
    Will be treated stressor for the child itself or for the family, increased anxiety if the parent does not know the procedures and treatment of children, after realizing her illness, they will react with anger and guilt.

  5. Basic needs
    • Pattern of elimination: the changes will have more than CHAPTER 4 times a day, a little bladder or rarely.
    • Pattern of nutrients: begins with nausea, vomiting, anopreksia, causing weight loss patients.
    • The pattern of sleep and rest will be disturbed because of abdominal distension that would cause discomfort.
    • Pattern of hygiene: the habit of bathing every day.
    • Activity: be disrupted because lamah body condition and the pain due to abdominal distension.

  6. Physical examination
    • Psychological examination: general condition was weak, kesadran composmentis into a coma, high body temperature, rapid and weak pulse, breathing rather quickly.
    • Systematic Inspection :
      • Inspection: sunken eyes, large fontanel, mucous membranes, dry mouth and lips, decreased body weight, rectal redness.
      • Percussion: the existence of abdominal distension.
      • Palpation: less elastic skin turgor.
      • Auscultation: bowel sounds terdengarnya.

Nursing Diagnosis
  1. Fluid volume deficit and electrolyte less than body requirements related to excessive fluid output.

  2. Nutritional needs less interference than the body needs berhubuingan with nausea and vomiting.


Diagnosis 1.
Fluid volume deficit and electrolyte less than body requirements related to excessive fluid output.

Fluid and electrolyte Devisit resolved

Criteria results:
Signs of dehydration are not there, mouth and lip mucosa moist, well-balanced fluid exchange

Observation of vital signs. Observation of signs of dehydration. Measure the liquid infut and output (balanc ccairan). Provide and encourage families to provide a lot of drinking more or less 2000 - 2500 cc per day. Collaboration with physicians in providing therafi fluid, electrolyte lab tests. Collaboration with a team of nutrition in low-sodium fluids.

Diagnosis 2.
Nutritional needs less interference than the body needs berhubuingan with nausea and vomiting.

Nutritional needs disturbances resolved

Criteria results:
Clients increased nutritional intake, low dietary portion 1 provided, nausea, vomiting does not exist.

Examine patterns of clients and nutritional changes. Measure client weight. Examine factors cause the fulfillment of nutritional disorders. Perform physical examination of the abdomen (palpation, percussion, and auscultation). Give your diet in warm conditions and the small but frequent portions. Collaboration with the team in determining diet nutrition clients.


La benzodiazepina es un un medicamento psicotrópico que actúa a nivel del sistema nervioso central. Su estructura química es una fusión de un benceno y una diazepina. La primera benzodiazepina fue descubierta accidentalmente en 1955 por Leo Sternbach y pudo ser elaborado por la empresa suiza Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd en 1960.

La benzodiazepina intensifica la acción del neurotransmisor ácido gamma-aminobutírico, el cual tiene un efecto sedativo, hipnótico, anxiolítico, relajante muscular y anticonvulsivo. Es por ello que sa la utiliza para tratar los estados de anxiedad, insomnio, epilepsias, etc.

Farmacocinética de la benzodiazepina

La benzodiazepina es absorbida completamente, con la excepción del clorazepato. Esta se une junto con sus metabolitos activos a proteínas plasmáticas en un rango entre 70 y 90% y no se han reportado ejemplos de competición con otros medicamentos por esas proteínas. Las benzodiazepinas se metabolizan extensamente por sistemas enzimáticos microsomales del hígado. Esa biotransformación hepática de las BZD ocurre en tres pasos, el primero una reacción que modifica o remueve el sustituyente que por lo general se encuentra en la posición 1 o 2 del anillo de diazepina, la segunda es una reacción de hidroxilación en la posición 3 produciendo el metabolito activo y, finalmente, una tercera reacción de conjugación principalmente con ácido glucurónico.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nursing Job : Paramedic - PT Rahman Abdijaya



PT Rahman Abdijaya, in its effort to develop capability for ten million coal production through good mining practice and strong teamwork, invites dedicated persons to engage in its coal mining operation in South Kalimantan, for the following position: Paramedic


Post Date: 14 Jan 10


  • Male / Female, with minimum D3 Nursing
  • Have Certificate BLS is preferable
  • Min. 1 year experience as nurse / paramedic with Reference Letter from previous employer is preferable

Read More Information click here


Un agonista es una droga que se adhiere a un receptor de una célula y provoca una repuesta por parte de la célula. Un agonista producido por el hombre por lo general imita la acción de sustancias naturales. Esta produce una reacción.

Los receptores de células pueden ser activado o desactivado por una agonista endógeno o exógeno. Los agonistas endógenos son las hormonas y neurotransmisores, que son naturalmente segregado por el cuerpo, y los exógenos son las drogas producidas por el hombre que pueden estimular o inhibir una repuesta biológica.

También hay agonistas parcial y completo. Un agonista parcial activa al receptor pero no causa tanto efecto fisiológico como un agonista completo.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


La meperidina es un analgésico opiáceo que actúa como depresor del sistema nervioso central. Comercialmente se la conoce como Dolantina o Demerol y es utilizado para tratar dolores de intensidad media o alta.

La meperidina pertenece al grupo de los opioides síntéticos, entre los que también se encuentra por ejemplo la metadona. Al igual que otros opiáceos, causa dependencia y síndrome de abstinencia si se deja de tomar de forma repentina tras varios días de administración, por lo que la dosis debe retirarse de forma gradual.

Tiene la propiedad única entre los opioides, de producir bloqueo de los canales iónicos, de esta forma también provee analgesia mediante un mecanismo anestésico local.

La meperidina es un agonista puro, con propiedades semejantes a morfina pero de más rápida aparición y más corta duración. Está indicada en espasmos de la musculatura lisa de vías biliares eferentes, aparato genitourinario y tracto gastrointestinal; espasmos vasculares, angina de pecho y crisis tabéticas; espasmos y rigidez del "hocico de tenca" (facilitación del parto indoloro); dolores intensos como contracturas dolorosas y dolores de expulsión en obstetricia; dolor postoperatorio; fracturas; neuralgias.

La meperidina está contraindicada en personas con tendencias suicidas, con depresión respiratoria, y enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.

Nursing Care Plan Chest Pain


1. Primary Assessment

* Airway

o How does the airway

o Is there a blockage / congestion, secretions in the airway?

o How does the sound of his breathing, if there are additional breath sounds?

* Breathing

o How breathing pattern? Frequency? The depth and rhythm?

o Do use a respirator muscles?

o Are there additional breath sounds?

* Circulation

o What about the peripheral arteries and carotid arteries? The quality (content and voltage)

o How capillary refillnya, whether there akral cold, cyanosis or oliguri?

o Is there a decrease in consciousness?

o How vital signs?

2. Secondary Assessment

Important things that need to be studied further in chest pain (coronary):

1. Location of pain
Where is a start, (coronary chest pain: from sternal spread to the neck, chin or shoulder to the left arm of the ulna)

2. The nature of pain
Feeling full, heavy feeling like cramps, squeezing, stabbing, choking / burning, etc..

3. Pain characteristics
Degrees of pain, duration, how often arise in a certain period.

4. Chronological pain
Beginning there is pain and progress in sequence

5. The situation at the time of the attack
Does arise in times / circumstances

6. Factors that reinforce / relieve pain such as attitude / body position, movement, pressure, etc..

7. Other possible symptoms whether or not a relationship with chest pain.

Nursing Diagnosis

1. Changes comfort pain (acute pain) associated with tissue ischemia secondary to arterial occlusion, tissue inflammation

2. Changes in tissue perfusion (heart muscle) associated with decreased blood flow

3. Activity intolerance related to imbalance between O2 supply and demand tissue metabolism.


The principles of Action:

1. bedrest with Fowler position / semi-Fowler

2. Perform 12 lead ECG if necessary 24 leads

3. Observe vital signs

4. Collaboration O2 delivery and administration of drugs, analgesics, tranquilizers, nitroglycerin, calcium antagonists and observation drug side effects.

5. Install a drip and give peace to the client

6. Taking blood samples

7. Reduce environmental stimuli

8. Be calm in the works

9. Observe signs of complications